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Magically or humanely. Mundane and spirit. Neither human nor magical, our auras are our spirits. We are guided and protected by this. We are reincarnated into another life once the body and mind have been erased from this timeline. Futile attempts and fatel decisions. Twists and turns, winding pathways and unknown burns. There's a scar upon my newly embraced soul. My mind and spirit. Tainted. Images of memories past become one. Uncertainty. Doubt. Hope has faded behind its oown mask, clouded by judgement and unknown torture. Few things are known to be a cure to the start of the bleeding heart. Lock and key, words hidden by emotions no one can see. Lies are spoken. Truths are buried. Only the Lad can see past, with the key that's carried.

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -Thomas Paine

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