☆ love yourself

17 0 3

I was tagged by Cookie_Attack21 to do this challenge. Moo- cow tags;
kellylq (Hey mom)
BlackControl_666 (Hey earth child)
Alanornala (ayy frend)
Kenze_Is_Crazy (mah sister)
marvelyoutubewwe (da bomb)

Now, the things you do is say 3 things you love about yourself.

1- I love the fact I'm not freakishly skinny. I have all the right junk in all the right places *ahem* As Meghan Trainor would say...

2- I'm not the tallest and I'm okay with that. Yea, I'm sixteen and 5'1" but it's okay because I'm still 5 feet.

3- I'm the only person in my school who can play more than four instruments; Clarinet, bass clarinet, xylophone, bass guitar, piano, and drums.

Yea... I'm not that special. XD

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