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Welp, I got tagged by Daddys_LittleKitten to do this. So... uhm, let's do this.

1 Why did you do the tag;

Because I wanted to...

2 One positive word that describes you;

Excitable :)

3 A note from the past ;

Stay strong and believe no matter how many people tell you to stop.

4 A note to the future;

Don't let road bumps become mountains.

5 An object you love;

The red panda plushie my dad gave me before he died :')

6 A beauty quote;

Will a pretty face really make it better?

7 A fear you have overcome;

The dark.

8 Something you like about yourself;

My curly fries (AKA: hair).

9 Something that makes you beautiful;

My height (5'1")

10 An outfit you like wearing;

A red flannel, black jeans and white converse 👌

11 What makes you unique;

I'm a self- taught pianist.

12 What makes you happy;

A green, Irish man who plays video games 💚

13 What makes you laugh;

My sister and brother.

Irish version

1 cén fáth go raibh a dhéanann tú an chlib;

Mar bhí mé a.

2 focal dearfach amháin a chuireann síos ar tú;

sceitimíní go héasca :)

3 nóta ón am atá thart;

Fan láidir agus creidim is cuma cé mhéad duine a insint duit a stopadh.

4 nóta ar an todhchaí;

Ná lig bumps bóthair a bheith sléibhte.

5 rud grá agat;

An panda dearg plush mo dhaid thug dom sula bhfuair sé bás :')

6 ceanglófar áilleacht;

An mbeidh a aghaidh go leor a dhéanamh i ndáiríre sé níos fearr?

7 eagla tú a shárú;

An dorchadas.

8 rud éigin cosúil leat fút féin;

Mo fries chatach (aka: gruaige)

9 rud a fhágann gurb hálainn tú;

Mo airde (5'1")

10 an cháir An maith leat ag caitheamh;

A cnaipe dearg suas, pants dubh agus coinbhéarta bán 👌

11 cad a dhéanann tú ar leith;

Tá mé féin-mhúinte pianist.

12 cad a dhéanann tú sásta;

A glas, fear Éireannach a imríonn cluichí físeáin 💚

13 cad a dhéanann tú ag gáire;

Mo dheirfiúr agus deartháir.

Mo dheirfiúr agus deartháir

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Notes n' shite 👌

Love them 😘

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