Past Joys, Present Heartbreak

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I don't want to go back
I want to stay here
Where I feel safe
Where I can pretend I live here
Pretend to know what my future holds
Every time I go back
Its like ripping my heart from my chest
For my heart is here
Though I live down there.
Here, I have memories
Memories of laughter and joys from my past
There I have memories of heartbreak and sadness in the present
My family is here
Not there
Sometimes, the only thing
Keeping me from collapsing into depression
Is the hope that the future will hold the same as my past
Even if it is very uncertain
Buy for now
I'm still in the present
But when will the future come?
When will it deliver laughter and joy
Like Santa delivers toys on Christmas Eve?
When will I not dread waking up in the morning?
When will I have my friends with me most everyday?
The future

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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