Yan-Davis AU

77 4 16

-Basically a lil thing for an AU where Davis is a BIG YANDERE. -

Zach walked around the house, searching for his friends Mia and Davis. He was looking for them because they both had been gone for quite some time now. Zach sighed. This was the sixth time this had happened this week. All of his friends had gone missing, one after the other. All Zach hoped was that they were okay.

Zach stopped at one room. He heard Davis inside. Without second thought, Zach opened the door, "Davis?". The room was dark, and as he searched for the light switch he heard Davis do something in a panic, and a crash as if something had been knocked over. Once the room was lit, Zach looked over at his friend. Davis was standing near a window at the back of the room There was a bit of blood on the floor, and strangely on Davis' clothing. "Hey, Zach!" The boy said with a half smile. "What happened in here? And where's Mia?" Zach questioned. Davis' smile faded a bit. "Oh, I just cut my hand on accident, Mia just... left to get some bandages." he said quickly. The answer seemed unsettling, but Zach shrugged the feeling off. "Alright, If you say so," He said. "Yeah... She's been gone for a minute, so I'll just... go... find her," Davis said, then quickly exited the room. Zach watched him leave, then walked over to the window. He looked out, and what he saw on the ground below shocked him.

Mia was dead. She had apparently been stabbed in the chest and then thrown out of the window. Zach could just barely see that her ribbon had been used as a sort of gag so that she couldn't call for help.

The sight almost made him sick.

Zach looked around the room, his eyes landing on a closet door on the right side of the room. He cautiously walked to the door, opening it. Inside were the rest of his friends, dead and propped against the wall. 

Frisk's neck had been slit.

Chara had a large cut in her stomach.

Tina's eyes had been gauged out and stabbed in the chest.

Carol had been decapitated, and her severed head rested in her lap.

Wilson had been shot in the head and heart.

Above each of them was an item dear to them- One of Frisk's sweaters, Chara's locket, Tina's ballet shoes, Carol's apron, and Wilson's hat,- pinned onto the wall by a knife. Everything was bloodstained. 

Zach closed the door and prepared to make a run for it, to get Sans or Undyne and alert them. He turned and saw Davis a few feet behind him, wearing his "GAY PRIDE" shirt and jeans, and a creepy smile plastered to his face.

"Why...?" Was all Zach could manage to get out.

Davis only laughed in response, before saying in a voice that sent a chill down Zach's spine-

"So no one would take you from me~"

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