Chapter 34

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Mark's POV
          I woke up earlier than Jack today. His small body is curled up to mine as I hold him close. Lord I never want this to end. All I want is him beside me for the longest time.
            After a while of just smiling at my adorable significant other I grab my video camera. I turn it on and start recording for a bit.
"Hey, guys," I whisper with a grin, "so I picked Jack up from the airport yesterday as you saw. Since he's not used to this time zone he's still fast asleep."
            I then start to play with Jack's hair. His lips curl into a smile and his baby blues open slowly. As soon as he sees me, Jack gives me loving eyes resting his head on my shoulder.
"Morning," I mumble kissing his head.

"Morning," Jack yawns.

"You wanna say hi to everyone," I ask sweetly.
             Jack opens up his eyes again and turns his attention to the camera. His eyebrows knit together as he stares at it for a while.
"Um...hey, I'm Ja-," he stops halfway through perking up with excited eyes.
           I turn the camera towards him as he grins at the door.
"What's wrong baby?"

"I smell pancakes," he cheers sprinting out of bed.
Jack's POV
         Mark left a few hours ago to get our date day all set up. So I'm left with Grayson here since Kate had work.
"How's life treating you," he questions.

"Going great. Traveling the world, in love, and finally getting to come home. How about you," I nudge him.

"It's treating me alright. Work problems and fights here and there, but other than that it's going great."

"Glad to hear that," I grin, "well I need to get ready for my date day. So I should probably bathe."

"That'd probably be a good idea," Grayson chuckles.
             It's about thirty or so minutes before Mark comes to pick me up. As I search through my closet Grayson sits on my bed speaking to me.
"How long have you two been together?"

"Christmas Eve it'll be our third year anniversary," I gleam.

"You think he's it? Like Mark is the one you want to be with?"

"I mean I hope so. We've hit large and small bumps. Considering what's happened between us it's hard to say that we won't. However you never know what the future holds," I sigh.
              Grayson just nods as I slip on my shirt. Once I have that all done with I start to do my hair. He of course follows me just to have someone to talk to.
"Was it hard to have a long distance relationship," he questions.

"Of course it was. Being away from someone you love for almost a year is really hard. Not having them by your side becomes painful. Having to only hear their voice through a screen isn't the same. The whole time you just hope you'll wake up next to them, but you never do. However you learn to see that sex doesn't matter and it's the connection. Which is what matters to all relationships."

"That's really deep, but for real was not having sex hard?"

"Hell yeah it was," we laugh.
                That's when there is a knock on the door. I quickly run out grabbing my coat and a few pairs of clothes. Once I have my shoes on I open the door revealing Mark with all his beauty.
"Ready," he asks.

"Of course. See ya tomorrow Gray," I shout and he gives me a wave.
            As soon as I close the door we make our way to his car. He takes my cold hand and intertwines out fingers. A smile is imprinted onto my face as we get into his car. I toss my stuff in the back buckling up right after.
           Mark gives me a grin before driving off to our first stop today. Which is making me so giddy. I'm like a kid on Christmas that I'm so happy. Mark holds my hand as we drive around to our stop.
             The two of us sit in the shop sipping our hot chocolate with ease. We don't say much, just enjoy having one another in the same room.
"I hope you don't mind that I'm recording. It's just everyone keeps asking about you and they want to finally get to see you."

"It's fine. I already said you could, I was just tired this morning and it caught me off guard."
                Mark gives me a smile rubbing his thumb on my hand. I tilt my head looking at him with love. Lord, I love this boy so much.
"What else do we have going on today," I question.

"Well, once we're done here I thought we could go to the park. Film a little but there and after that go to the hotel room I have for us. We can get ready for dinner there. Then after dinner it's just us two," Mark smirks once the last sentence escapes his lips.
             A blush creeps onto my cheeks as I take a sip from my cup. All he does is giggle and do the same. After almost three years he still makes me blush.
          We hold our mittened hands together as Mark films the two of us.
"Hey, babe."

"What," I chuckle.

"Did you miss me?"

"No, I fucking hate you."

"Aw, I hate you too," Mark looks at me touched.
           I roll my eyes and continue walking. Once I take my last sip from my cup I go throw it away leaving Mark where he was. However when I'm on my way back he throws a fucking snowball at me. Mark bursts out laughing.
"Mark Edward! For fucks sake!"

"Aw, does little L.A. boy not like the snow?"
            As he continues to laugh at me I ball up some snow and chuck it at him. However he dodges it and groans trying again.When I throw the second one it lands right in front of him.
"You suck at this."

"Shut up," I laugh trying multiple times.
           After a few more times of me failing I grumble and sit myself on the cleared sidewalk. Mark comes over and sits beside me making the camera face us. I turn my head so I don't have to look at him.
"Jack, don't be mad that you can't hit me with snow. You're just not made f-," I cut him off by shoving a pile of snow in his face.
             A laugh erupts from my mouth as he brushes off the snow from his face.
"Okay, I kind of deserve that," Mark laughs.

"Yeah, you kind of did."

"Fuck you."
            I scoop up another handful of snow looking at him with a sly expression.
"Do you want me to do it again?"

             My hand goes towards his face quickly and he gets up. I then start chasing him with the pile of snow. However he trips and falls into pile of snow that was shoveled off the sidewalk. I land on top of him and shove the snow in his face. A giggle leaves my lips as I brush off the frozen water. Mark just smiles at me sweetly before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.
             We get back from dinner and I flop onto the bed with a sigh. Mark takes out the camera for the last time today laying beside me.
"Did you have a good day?"

"Of course I did. I got to be with you for the first time in a year. We could have just stayed here and watched Netflix and it would have been perfect."

"Well, are you ready for the rest of this trip," Mark asks.

"Marki, if you're next to me I'm ready for anything."
              He carefully places his lips on mine. Our lips move together perfectly as we continue to kiss. Lord I missed this. However he pulls away and gives me a look telling me we'll finish in a second. I nod and we turn our attention to the camera.
"So thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next video. Buh bye!"
            I wave goodbye with Mark as he turns it off. He then turns it off setting on the bedside table. Once it's set down he rolls on top of me. I let out a groan mixed with a laugh. Mark then straddles me so then I can actually breathe.
"Now where were we," Mark asks, "I remember, we were right here."
          He then presses his like against mine again.

Till Then (Book 2 Of May I Have This Dance)Where stories live. Discover now