Car accident

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"Peek-a-boo" I cooe pulling my hands away from my face smiling at the 6 month old bundle of joy that Shawn and I had somehow managed to bring to this earth.

Shawn was currently out with friends celebrating the one year anniversary of his album.

You decided not to stay up, knowing Shawn, he'll get a little too drunk and stay with a friend or come home and just crash.

So I rest our baby girl in her crib and kiss her little forehead, shutting the lights out on my way out.

I sigh as I slide under the covers of my big bed, wishing my husband could be next to me but I know he's having fun and that's all that matters.
*ring ring* *ring ring*

My eyes burn open as my phones ringing has awakened me.

I look over to see it's already 3 in the morning and notice that Shawn is absent next to me.

"Hello?" I groggily speak into my cell.

"Yes hello Mrs. Mendes. We are calling to inform you your spouse has been admitted to Our hospital due to a crash. He is under operation now but will be out shortly. He is expected to live but his memory might be lost" a lady spoke through the phone.

I don't know if it was the fact that it was 3 in the morning or that I just woke up or that I just didn't want to believe it but I sat in shock for what seemed like hours.

This can't be happening not to me not to us. We have a child we have a life together.

"Hello mrs-"

"I'm On my way" I say hanging up the phone.

I grab our little baby, Meredith, out of her crib and rush to the car, hands trembling, heart pounding, tears flowing.

"It's going to be okay. Daddy is going to be okay" I whisper to her, trying to convince myself more than anything.

We arrive at the hospital and I am swarmed with paparazzi but not giving a shit about them I just walk through them with my head down and baby secured in my hands.

Damn paps know about everything  before it even happens.

"Mendes" I speak to the secretary.

She tells me the room and floor number as I practically run to the elevators.

I pray over and over again the whole way to his room. Praying that he's okay.

The secretary told me the only reason they are allowing visiting is because he just got out of operation and is now awake but she didn't mention his state.

I reach the hallway now full speed running towards his room.

I open the door to see Shawn surrounded by a few friends and his manager.

"Babe your here" he try's to give a warm hearted smile but you can see his pain.

"You remember me" I sigh of relief.

"Of course. And I also remember our little ball of happiness" he smiles at our sleeping daughter in my arms.

My prayers have worked. He's okay.

"I love you Shawn"
If that wasn't shitty idk what was. Srry

But go check out my original book "sophomore year" it would mean the world to me:)

Also request plzzz I need ideassss

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