I'm okay

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They tore me apart and lead me astray,

And when they inquired, all I could say is ‘I’m okay’

They dug a hole and pushed me in,

And when they asked all I could say is ‘I’m okay’

They put my heart on fire and wounded my soul,

And all I could tell them is ‘I’m okay’

The looted away the things I loved.

But I stilled kept loving them in case they realized.

Then one night in the dark forest.

They left me strangling alone, to death.

And then I understood that this ain’t love.

But dear o dear heart, it ripped apart.

Upon knowing the fact, it couldn’t bear.

And broke into pieces like an arrow struck it.

She was used to all this and bore the pain.

After all, nothing is permanent, not even pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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