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Gangnam District
Mission in progress

"Why the fuck does he want me to blow up a house, what if someone is in there?" I question, I watch the house quietly then in one the rooms, a light come on. My phone dings.

Do it now- Unknown number

My eyes widen and I look at the house again, "But a person's in there!" I exclaim and gasp for air, "Aniya aniya aniya, if you want Sanghee back we have to do this (Y/n), come on we can do this" I say to myself, I exhale and point the gun at the house.

'Shoot' my mind says, I pull the trigger and the bullet goes, the whole house explodes in front of my eyes. My phone dings again.

Nice job puppet, I'll have your friend released tomorrow, have a nice night now- Unknown number

I sigh then I hear sirens, I gasp and run away, I have to get home before Jungkook realizes I've been gone for hours.


I arrive at the house but I debating.

Window or front door? Front door maybe because Jungkook could be in the room and if I climb the window, he's probably in the room.

I unlock the front door then walk in but stop, fuck wrong choice. I walk in and smile as I face a Jungkook.

"Where have you been the whole time?" Jungkook asks me, "Um... I was at Yonghee's house, we went shopping, eat for lunch, then went to go play" I answer, lying to my soon-to-be husband already.

"How come you don't have anything in your hands if you went shopping?" Jungkook asks me, Jungkook just shut up and believe me! "I didn't buy anything that's why, only Yonghee did" I answer.

Jungkook nods his head and stands to come towards me, "You're not actually mad right?" I ask him, "Yah! I was worried, you didn't text, call, anything! I thought you got kidnapped!" Jungkook exclaims at me before pulling me into a hug, why do you care about me so much when I'm gonna have to lie to you even more.

I hug him back and listen to his heartbeat, trying to go steady but it can't as it rapidens. "Jungkook I love you" I say, "I love you too (Y/n)" Jungkook says back, then I hear growling, it's not coming from me, it's coming from Jungkook.

"Someone's hungry I'm suggesting" I say as I look at Jungkook, he grins slightly and touches my nose with his, "I'm hungry for you~" Jungkook teases, "Ch yah really, are you hungry?" I ask him, "Yeah I've haven't eaten for hours because I was waiting for you" I gasp and hit his chest.

"Why didn't you order pizza or something, or maybe just called Jin oppa to the house?" I tell him, "I wanted your cooking so I've waited and also you're supposed to call me oppa not Jin hyung!" Jungkook exclaims at me, "I gave you the nickname Kookie for a reason" I say to him as I head in the kitchen.

Whenever you get in danger, you use it.


"Here, happy?" I say as I hand him the food I made for him, he smiles and acts cute towards me, "Thank you jagi~" Jungkook cooes, I smile and pat his head.

"I'm not a dog" Jungkook says with a annoyed face, I caress his cheek, "No but you're with me, so..." I sit beside him and turn the TV on.

I change the channel, until nothing is good and I turn it off. "Jungkook I'm going to sleep, so come up after you're done" I say then stand, then I get pulled down, "Um... Jungkook what are you doing?" I ask him, he grins a little.

"I think I know what your punishment will be" Jungkook says, "What is it?" I ask him, he glances at my lips before looking at me in the eyes.

He picks me up bridal style and carries me to our room, what does he mean by punishment, no, what does he mean he knows my punishment now...


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