University 0-6

15 1 0

Maxwell stood on a border between two areas. One area had a tall jungle type tree and shrubs. The one on his right had mountains and dirt.



"Close your eyes!"


"I am now going to give you the special power. You have to imagine a notepad."

"Why a notepad?"

"Because it is required. Quit questioning it and do it already!"

"Fine!" Maxwell closed his eyes and imagined a notepad in a dark area. The man did his hands in a circling motion. Maxwell was lifted into the air, surrounded by black smoke. When the smoke subsided, Maxwell was on the standing on the ground, dazed.

"What...just happened?"

"You now have Psychic powers. You now can create objects out of thin air. You can summon anything you need. Weapons, People, buildings, you name it and it's at your command. Your power does have a limit, though. You can only summon so many items at a time. You will soon learn the greatness of your power! For now, test the limits, Maxwell! Now summon a cop!"


"Do it!"

"Cop!" Shouted Maxwell. A cop in uniform appeared hanging in the air above him.

"Now sling him into the stone!" commanded the man.
Maxwell used his psychic powers to sling the man to his death.

"Sweet!" shouted Maxwell. A Starite fell out of the sky, landing a few feet from Maxwell. He ran to it and grabbed it. Everything went dark.

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