Chapter 2

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"Let me go" I screamed kicking the back of the seat, I knew that could make us crash but right now I didn't really care. I knew I was frustrating him, since I kept seeing him clench the steering wheel turning his knuckles white. I don't why this satisfied me but it did, probably because if I wasn't happy then neither should he.

Out of no where he swerved to the side of the street, sending my face towards the window. He took out the keys, turning the engine off and silencing the whole car. Threw his rear view mirror I could see the guards car pull up behind us.

"Listen, you're going to shut up or I'll do it for you. You're not leaving so you might as well make this comfortable for the both of us." He said threatening me from the front seat looking through the inside mirror. After a few moments of silence, he put the keys back in the ignition and started driving again.

-a few hours later-

Some radio station was playing through out the car, that I don't think neither of us liked but there wasn't anything else since we were in the middle of nowhere. It was better than sitting here in silence or heaven forbid he tried making small talk. Night was already starting to fall and I doubt their house was anywhere near here, there was nothing near here. But I was proven wrong when we pulled into an old parking lot with what looked like a small motel.

"Stay here, while I go get us a room. Don't think of escaping because I don't know what they'll do" He said motioning to the guards who were leaning against their car watching us.

Once he left I decided to look around, well at least how much I could see from inside here. For a place so far from civilization it looked like it was kept up quite well. Nothing like you'd expect, like they show in movies or on television.

A few minutes later Zayn came walking out and handed the guards their keys before making his way towards me. "Look" he said opening my door "These people who run this place do business with us. So don't even think about running or calling for help"


When he opened the door to the room that we had to share, which I wasn't surprised about since I already knew he wouldn't leave me alone. But what did shock me was there was only one bed, there had to be other rooms with two. I knew for sure he was going to make us share the bed, but right know I didn't care. I was way to exhausted and wiped out to put up a fight.

I pulled the sheets back and made sure there were no unwanted guests. I felt the other side of the bed dip down and looked over to see him getting comfortable. He looked up at me and held the blankets up so I could get in. He's being really nice but I guess everybody acts different when they're tired.

I climbed in and got comfortable myself, when I felt his arms go around me. "Umm Zayn" I whispered softly. Only to get  muffled reply as he placed his head at the crook of my neck. "Goodnight" I whispered deciding he wasn't doing any harm and who knows when he'll be this nice again. " Night" I heard him mumble back.


"I know you wanted money but he didn't have it but-ya I understand but- I got some- will you just listen-thank you, I got the girl- I know- ya bye"

"Hey wake up" I felt someone nudging my feet " C'mon let's go were already late" I could tell he was losing his patience but I knew as soon as I'd wake up I'd have to face reality, something I really dreaded. The room got really quiet and a part me felt like I should've listened to him a few minutes ago. I couldn't even hear him breath, it was like he disappeared. Which was clearly untrue, because the next thing I knew the covers were being ripped off of me and he was throwing me over his shoulder.

"I gave you a chance to do this your way but now I'm in control" He growled opening the room door then closing it behind us as we walked out.

He reached down into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. The car lights flashed and I heard a click sound as he pressed the unlock/lock button. He opened the back door and basically threw me in and slammed my door shut as I sat there dazed. He opened his door and slid in the car effortlessly, putting the keys in the ignition.

"Buckle up" He mumbled closing his door and pulling out of the parking lot, driving off onto the empty road leading to who knows where.

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