Remember Me

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Warning: lemon. Very fucking graphic fucking lemon. I think that most of the fan girls who write lemons don't really grasp the concept of male orgasm. It's like "he felt frustration build up until he relieved himself". Actually no. That's not what happens. Anyway without further adieu here is my story.

Adrian had popped into the Shinigami Headquarters to file his retirement papers. He'd had enough of the hypocrisy, the stupid rules and the robotic conformity enforced on him and the other reapers. He was also going to his last meeting - at least for a while - with his three favourite little Reapers. He knocked on the glass paned door to the room the children were being held in. Since he was manager class, he could go anywhere in the building he wanted to.

The three children were sitting in a circle playing with what looked like building blocks. William was reading the sign-in sheet. Poor kid, Adrian thought. William loved to read, but the higher-ups obviously didn't care. Grell was stretching a very uncomfortable-looking brown suit whereas William looked comfortable in his black one. Seeing Grell in anything other than a red dress stunned Adrian. It was like seeing a cat with Great Dane paws. Ronald was chewing the blocks but kept looking around sadly as though there was something missing. Something he needed. The teddy bear. Adrian slid open the door and the children immediately bounded up to him. Even William gripped him in a tight hug.

"Uncle Undie you're here to save us!" William pleaded desperately, as if dying of dehydration and Adrian was the only one with a water bottle. The other two seemed to follow his lead and their smiles got brighter.

"No," Adrian sadly shook his head.
"They won't let me. For some reason. I came to say goodbye,"

"Nooooo," they all whined in unison.

"Is it forever?" William asked.

"No," Adrian assured. "Nothing is forever...well except me. But I'll see you all again someday,"

Adrian hugged then individually.
"I don't have much time. If they catch me in here I might be in trouble. I have some presents for you but you can't let the staff know you have them. Okay?"

The three nodded. They all completely trusted Adrian. They would never doubt him. Never go against his word. Adrian turned to Ronnie first.

"You'll always be able to find what you're looking for with him here, Ronnie," Adrian gave him the fluffy teddy bear he had bought in the shop. The one the child always slept with.  It had a blue bow around its neck with a bell that jingled. Ronald grasped it tightly to his chest.

"Thank you Uncw Undie,"

Adrian turned to Grell
"No matter what horrid outfit the put on you, you'll always be my little red princess," he gave Grell a  red and white striped long silk ribbon to tie under his collar in a bow. Grell squeaked at the gift and settled for a tight hug.

"And you," Adrian's eyes lit up when he saw William.
"Need to keep drawing. You're good at it," he handed William a sketch pad and packet of pens. He leaned in for a hug and slipped a book into the back of William's trousers.
"Don't show the other two I gave you this, Willy. They'll think I'm showing favouritism. But I know you need a book more than you need oxygen," he whispered and patted William's back. He stood up and slinked to the door. He spared one last glance back at the crying children.

"See you soon. I hope you remember me,"


Two hundred and something years later.

A fully grown William T Spears walked into Undertaker's shop. Adrian had discarded his name two centuries ago and was now simply known as Undertaker, after turning the front room of his house into a funeral parlour. His eyes adjusted to the light and he called for his boyfriend.
"Adrian? It's me,"

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