2.4- The Man

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A/N: Watching Mockingjay P1. Just wanted to say. In a separate window, half Wattpad, other half movie. Hard to multitask, but somehow I do it. BTW, are you coming to the tree?

How am I here?


In the back of my mind, in the deep, dark corners, I always thought this was a foolish fantasy.

Never knew I'd make it out alive.

Standing at the base of the Empire State Building.

I start laughing, running my hands through my long brown hair. I don't care if anyone sees me. No one knows me. 

I start to control myself, and slowly stop laughing. I pull out my iPod and take a few pictures of me in front of the Empire State Building. 

I look up directions to Times Square. I know Think goes there very often, and, who knows, I might see someone else, too. 

I take so many twists and turns, delays and shortcuts, but I make it there, finally. I look around me, the Hard Rock Cafe looking appealing, but I can't spend anything. I take out my last trail mix packet, and devour it. I take a few sips of water. I'll be out here for a while.

It's almost noon. The sun makes me warm, and slightly sleepy.

I'm lost in the sea of people, half-blinded by the bright light of ads on the gigantic screens everywhere. 

I decide on a small overhang over the sidewalk. I take out my knife, just in case, my water bottle, and some paper & a pen. I write "anything helps", having little energy to write anything creative. I sit down on the sidewalk, and place my bag beside me. I pull my camo jacket tight.

I fix the paper so it won't fall down or flop. My knees to my chest, I rest my head against the bag. I decide to catch a few z's. If I don't see him today, I'll look for him tomorrow. 


I wake up suddenly, almost crushed by a guy who tripped over my foot. I'm pretty much awake by now. It's 2:45. I think this is when Think does his Pokemon GO videos. Hopefully. 

I look around, hoping for a glimpse of a golden retriever. Pretty common, but it'd be a start.

I hear a bark. I ignore it, knowing there are lots of dogs and pets in New York City. I try to listen for Thinknoodles' distinct voice, confident and positive. Nothing.

The bark is becoming louder. I stop slouching, and strain my neck to look for the source of the sound, now becoming closer. 

A furry dog leaps at me and starts licking my face. I laugh, even though it was pretty nasty. I eventually try to pry the dog off of me. I wipe my face with the back of my hand, and take a good look at the dog. I look beyond it for the owner.

"Girl? Where are you?" a man asks. I take a sharp intake of breath. The voice is a striking resemblance to Think's.

It can't be, though, I think. How could it be?

The man appears, moving his way through the busy crowd. "Excuse me...sorry...whoops, sorry, 'cuse me...." he mutters to various people. "There you are! Come here, Kopi!"

My heart literally skips a beat. "Kopi?" I whisper. I look at the man, with short black hair. "What did you say your dog's name was?"

He smiles. "Kopi."

"No way...."

I stare at the ground. I put my head in my hands, saying, "This is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dream," while the man just waits around, looking at me.

I need a confirmation. 


"Yes, ma'am?"

"What is your name? Do you have a nickname, maybe?"

"Yes, I absolutely do."

"What is it?"

He takes a deep breath.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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