All Characters: Time to wake up

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Your POV
The plane behind you whirs loudly but you ignore it and concentrate on the amazing people before you. Molly and Mary are sobbing now but their cries are drowned out by the constant background noise.

John is rubbing Mary's back, trying to soothe her whilst Lestrade is awkwardly comforting Molly. You notice Mycroft giving him a meaningful look but pretend you didn't notice.

Mrs Hudson steps forward to you, the first to speak since you first told them the news.
"Well, I can't say I'm not upset but as you said; this technically hasn't been real has it? It's just imagination. You're just imaging that we're here and saying goodbye aren't you?"

You nod sadly at her but attempt to give her a weak smile.
"Yeah. I just wish I could have imagined a happier send off but I suppose this was always bound to happen." Mrs Hudson steps back in line with the others and Molly comes forward.

"I never really knew you. I was only in one of your imagines as the main character." You choke slightly.
"Don't make me feel guilty about that now." Molly shakes her head emphatically.
"No no, that's not what I meant I just mean that if we ever meet again we might have a proper chance to introduce ourselves." She then hugs you awkwardly and hurries back over to Mary.

Lestrade and Mycroft both come forward to shake your hand.
"Even though this never happened I'm glad that you er-well you used your imagination in every way. It's important to do that once in a while." You chuckle slightly.
"Don't worry. It's only a pairing that my brain came up with. It's not real however much I may wish it is. At least I'll be able to think back to my portrayal of you two." They also move off to stand with the others.

John approaches you now with small tears gathering in his eyes.
"I know I didn't give you much of a spotlight John and I'm sorry about that. I just sometimes had a mind blank when it came to you." He waves away your comment instantly.
"Please, don't apologise. I've never been that keen of a spotlight in all honesty. They're much too bright in my opinion. You know, they look glamorous from a distance but when you step into them it blinds you and you can't think straight." You sigh sadly.
"I hope you have a good life. Especially since I won't be here to force you into certain situations with the power of words." John gives you one last salute and you salute back.

Moriarty saunters up and gives you a wink.
"Even if this wasn't real I have to hand it to you. You played a good character in this. No, in fact you were the best character. You still are the best character. When you wake up please, never forget me. If you do, I'll burn the heart out of you." You roll your eyes as he gives you another wink and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Finally, Sherlock comes forward and stands in front of you fumbling his hands.
"I'm surprised. I'm imagining Sherlock as shy and awkward. This is not the Sherlock I know." He laughs but it's shaky and you can hear a small tremble.
"It's not like me is it? I guess everyone's imagination is different. Although I had hoped you'd imagine me in a more arrogant and sarcastic manner." You tap your chin with your finger in a thinking position.
"Well, I don't know. I like this personality of you too. Even if it's one created from my mind."

Sherlock sighs.
"You always were the biggest mystery of them all." You give him a reassuring smile.
"That's because I made myself the biggest mystery. Only, once solved it isn't all that exciting. He raises an eyebrow.
"I'm not sure about that. Managing to imagine yourself into a fictional universe and have the characters believe you're real is pretty good going." You give him a fake bow.
"I aim to please."

The muttering in your mind is getting louder now. It was always there but only as a small thing to focus on when you were bored, it has never been this loud.
"Can you hear the voices?" Sherlock asks. You nod.
"Yes, but it's okay. I'm nearly ready to go. I take it that Mary can't say goodbye." You look past Sherlock's shoulder to see her shaking form. Tears are still running down her face but she manages a trembling wave.

"It's a shame really. I never tended to include her in my imaginations. She was more of a back up character." Sherlock shrugs.
"I think that's what she liked best." The plane behind you gives a louder rumble and you breathe in deeply.
"It's time." Sherlock places a firm hand on my shoulder.
"Remember that all though this wasn't real we still care about you. Stay safe in your world and try not to get into any trouble."

You laugh as you board the plane.
"I won't. Goodbye Sherlock. It was nice to meet you." You divert your attention to the other characters that are huddled further back and raise your hand in farewell.
"GOODBYE!" You shout so that they can hear you. They all wave their hands and Sherlock slowly walks back to them.

Gazing out of the plane window you see them below you for one last time before they vanish completely; turning to mist. The plane shoots off down the runway and into the sky. The voices from your world echo around your head continuously as you journey towards them.

A bright light blinds you as you awake and nurses, doctors and the like immediately swarm your hospital bed to take down all kinds of information. As you stare at them all with an obvious expression of confusion one single person at the back catches your attention.

You only see them for a second or two but you can't miss the familiar sight of unbelievably curly dark brown hair that belongs to none other than William Sherlock Scott Holmes. He sends you a quick smile before once again vanishing, leaving you with a roomful of medical staff to deal with.

A/N ayup cumberbeans, I hope you all understood what was happening in this final imagine. Don't worry because the next part will be me explaining it for those of you who might not have understood. I'm not going to say much now because I'll be saying everything in the next part to I guess all I'll say is my familiar farewell. See ya later. Baiiiiiii-L

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