Present Day

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"New girl! Come sit with us." I lift my head up slightly and a girl with black and purple hair slips her arms around my shoulder.
"O-okay." I say nervously. I allow her to lead me to a circular table that holds two other students; a girl with tortoise shell glasess, who I quickly look away from, and a guy with gray eyes that bore into mine. I place my lunch on the table and quietly sit down.
"So what's your name, new girl? Unless you want to forever be known as New Girl."
"Ande. Ande Peterson."
"That's a cool name, I'm Margot and the nerd here is Amelia. And we can't forget Lane." I smile up at them quickly before bowing my head again.
"You praying or something?"
"You can't just ask someone that if they are praying, you interrupt their prayer." A soft voice says, which must belong to Amelia.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Wait, I can't say shit can I?"
"Well now you ruined her prayer. She's going straight to hell now." Lane chuckles, his voice warm and husky. I find myself laughing.
"No, I wasn't praying."
"Are you texting then? You don't have to hide it, the caf workers are chill. Or does your neck like, not sit up straight?" Margot rapidly asks the questions.
"That's not your business, Margot." Amelia says, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Don't mind her, she doesn't have a filter." Lane says quietly in my ear.
"It's okay, she reminds me of my best friend." I say and immediately regret it. Images of Phoebe flash in my mind and my heart aches just to hear her voice again.
"You must miss her."
"Every day." I manage a weak smile as I push my food around on my plate.
"Well we're your friends now, if you don't mind hanging out with a bunch of misfits." Margot interjects. I raise my head and finally look at the group sitting before me. Margot with her colorful hair and easy smile, Lane with his messy brown hair and splashing of freckles, and Amelia, shyly staring at me from behind her book, awaiting my answer.
"I'd like that." I say, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like my old self. Everyone smiles at me, except for Margot, who hugs me tightly around my neck.
"You might regret this after you really get to know us." She laughs. As she pulls away, I catch my reflection in the glass of Amelia's glasses. All I can see is myself, nothing or no one else. Then, like a trick of the light, my reflection winks at me. I look down at my food quickly, praying it was my imagination. Please, I can't take it again if she's back. I cautiously peak back up and everything is normal. No strange reflections winking at me. It was just my imagination. I sigh in relief, even though my heart is still pounding. I hope I didn't really see anything. I don't want to be afraid anymore..

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