Chapter 10

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-Jungkook's POV-

As I got to Jimin hyung house, I immediately ran to the room after Jimin gave me the injection and after closing all the curtains.

I began my work of saving her and I putted her upstairs in the guest room after injecting her.

I walked downstairs and saw Jimin sitting on the couch. He signaled me to sit next to him and I did.

"So.. what happened?" He asked.

"She was having trouble breathing due to her panic. She barely almost didn't make it but good thing I arrived on time."

"Ahh... why didn't you just you know.."

He came closer to my ear.

"Use your fangs dripping your own blood to hers..?" He whispered.

I glared at him. He backed off with a smile.

"I don't want her to be one. I don't want her to suffer like us. She suffered enough already and I don't want her to suffer more than enough."

"Wae? It's the first time you cared about a human."


He looked at me waiting for my answer.

I sighed, "Because I love her.. from a long time ago."

"Then what about that girl? The girl you told me all the times."

"It is her. She's the one I've been talking the whole times."

Jimin was left speechless. He nodded and handed me a injection. I looked at him confused.

"Here.. this is all I can do for you."

"What is it?"

"Don't you want to be normal again? Being a human and live normally?"

"Ne.. but why are you giving me this?"

"It's the injection that I received as my prize. Use this and be a human again Jungkook-ah."

"But hyung, this is yours. I cannot accept it."

"I'm doing this because I'm worried about you. I want you to love her and live normally as a human. Unlike us who killed many of our enimies for victory. Please Jungkook, take the injection. Hyung will find you after everything's clear and normal. Okay?"

I couldn't help it but to cry. Now it's my turn to fight without hyung.

"I won't forget your help Jimin hyung. Thanks for all your help and love hyung. Please take care of yourself Jimin hyung, if you need me.."

I paused for a bit before saying again.

"Call me." I said.

Jimin nodded as he smiled. But I knew it was a sad smile.

"Go on. Take the injection before she wakes up. I'll send you two back in Seoul tomorrow."

I smiled and we both shook our hands.

Thank you Jimin hyung.. for everything..

I broke the handshake and injected myself. It hurts but it's not bad as saying farewell to Jimin hyung. After that, I fell asleep.

-End of POV-


I woke up in a light blue, pink, and white room. It was filled with stuff.

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