Chapter One

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Rowana Kay

"Good morning Master Kay," Wong greeted her with a book waiting in his hands as she walked through the New York Sanctum.

"Ah Wong, always a pleasure to see you." She greeted him back with a slight bow. "What's that you got there?" She said gesturing to his to the book in his hands as they began walking into the library of Kamar-Jai.

"The Ancient One and Master Mordo left this morning in an urgent matter saying that there was a spotting of Kaecilius and his Zealots in Hong Kong. They knew you would be returning today and put you in charge of training the new recruit." She groaned. Just when she got back, she has a new job. They made it to the top of the stairs leading to a long hallway.

"She trusts you most to handle him. Have fun." He passed her the book in his hands and walked away down another hall way leading to the outdoor training grounds.
"Great." She muttered under her breath.
She walked the halls of the old building till she found her room. Perfect, everything was kept the way it was left. Slowly making her way into her study, she began to examine the book Wong had left her. Opening it to the first page she came across a small note:
Master Rowana,
Thought this might be helpful to teach the new student. Also, he already has a sling ring and has a tendency to use them to steal things such as books so keep an eye on him. You'll most likely find him in the courtyard or one of the studies. Good luck
"That really narrows it down," She sarcastically said taking a seat at her desk. She leaned back in her chair in thought of who this new person could be. After hours of reading the book that Wong gave her she decided it'll be best to head to bed. With same question always running through her head. She fell into a dreamless sleep and was awoken by the sound of alarms ringing.

A/N: Hey y'all. So I just watched the movie Doctor Strange and Oh My God! It's freaking amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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