You Won't Fall- Chapter 1

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The sun was shining on another day at Beacon Academy as you slowly woke up this morning. Classes had been going on for a few weeks and you and your friend Jaune Arc had come a long way. The two of you were named the leaders of your teams and, along with team RWBY, you had plenty of fun times together. You looked over to see your teammates Nick, Carmen and Daisy still fast asleep, you being the early riser of the team, so you quietly got dressed and headed down to the dining hall for breakfast. Walking inside, you looked over to see Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang sitting with Jaune and his teammates Pyrrha, Nora and Ren. They noticed you and waved so you waved back, but as you passed them you heard laughter and it didn't seem to be the good kind of laughter.

Looking over to your left you saw Cardin Winchester and his team picking on a girl wearing the standard school uniform. She was about as tall as Blake with brown eyes and long brown hair like your teammate Daisy. Another similarity between her and Daisy was that she was a Faunus, specifically a Rabbit Faunus. You pieced together that this girl was Daisy's friend Velvet Scarlatina and it didn't take a genius to see what was going on as Cardin tugged on her rabbit ears. You clenched your fists and started to walk over to them, feeling ticked off that Cardin and his goons think they can get away with this. Faunus may be seen as different but to you they were normal folks. You've lived around Faunus for most of your life: one of your cousins was a Faunus and both Daisy and Carmen are Faunus.

"Please, stop..." Velvet said as she tried to get away and almost doing so before Cardin tugged on her ears again while his teammates laugh

Cardin let go for just a second before reaching back but at the last second you grabbed his arm and pushed it away.

"Real mature Winchester, now knock it off." You said with a serious face

Cardin stood up and looked you in the eye, saying "This doesn't concern you."

"Velvet has every right to be here just like you, so how about treating her with a little respect?"

"Is there a problem here?" You heard behind you

Turning around you saw Ms. Glynda Goodwitch walking up to you and Cardin who quickly looked over to his teammates.

"No, no problem here Ms. Goodwitch." Cardin said with the fakest innocent smile you had ever seen

"This is coming from the guy who was just bullying a girl simply because she's a Faunus." You replied

"You have no proof of that." Russel added

"Well then, let's ask Velvet what was going on." You said, the group turning to Velvet

"Is it true Ms. Scarlatina?" Glynda asked

Velvet stayed quiet for a second, and you could feel the glares she was getting from team CRDL. Then her brown eyes met your (e/c) eyes and you smiled a warm smile; she smiled a little smile back and nodded.

"This kind of behavior will not be tolerated Mr. Winchester, you and your teammates please come with me."

Glynda walked out of the dining hall with Cardin and his teammates following behind, their heads hung low as you caught Ruby's and Jaune's team giving you thumbs-ups.

"You alright Velvet? You asked

"Yeah, thanks. But how do you know my name?"

You were about to answer when you saw your teammates walk inside and Daisy saw who you were with.

"Velvet!" She squealed and ran up to the two of you

Velvet turned around and her face lit up to see Daisy running up to her.

You Won't Fall (Velvet Scarlatina x MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now