You Won't Fall- Chapter 2

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-Warning: Volume 3 Spoilers (just sayin') & Mature Content-

Your eyes slowly opened as the morning light graced your face. Sitting up and stretching, you readied yourself for another day of the new semester. You scratched behind your head and pulled out a small bunch of popcorn from the food fight a few days ago.

"I could've swore that I got everything out when I showered." You thought as you got dressed and headed out to get some breakfast

Getting to the cafeteria, still in its perfect condition despite the chaos thanks to Professor Goodwitch, you saw the rest of your team with teams RWBY and JNPR but you kept going as you caught sight of your girlfriend Velvet sitting with her team.

"Morning (y/n)." Coco said as you bent over and shared a kiss with your favorite bunny before sitting down

"Morning Coco, Fox, Yatsu." You said as the boys nodded and you saw some papers in front of the girls, "Project for Dr. Oobleck?"

Velvet shook her head, "We're planning the dance."

"You and your team are coming right (y/n)?" Coco asked

"Carmen told us last night that we were going one way or another," You said as you wrapped an arm around Velvet, "and I won't miss a chance to see Velvet in a dress."

You stood up to get some food just as Cardin passed whispering "freaks" under his breath

"Better to be an animal lover than an animal beater Winchester." You said as people turned in your direction and Cardin tried to duck into his armor as you passed him and finally got breakfast

Velvet and Coco had their hands full with planning the dance so you and your teammates spent the next few days training for the Vytal Tournament. One day you were training with Team JNPR and you were talking with Daisy about ways you could modify her weapon since she seemed to be having trouble with it. As the two of you left the arena, you saw Coco and Velvet talking with Weiss and Yang; your eyes met Coco and she pointed you out to Velvet who nodded and walked towards the two of you.

"Hey Velvet." Daisy said

"Hi Daisy." She answered, her ears drooped a little

"Is something wrong?" You asked, and Velvet did not look like she wanted to answer

"Professor Ozpin is sending us on a mission, so we won't be able to go to the dance."

"Oh no!"

"Aw, man."

"Coco said she'd try and talk to the professor but she's letting Weiss and Yang plan the rest of the dance in case things don't work out."

"When were you guys leaving?"

"In the morning." She said, "I'm really sorry (y/n)."

Things were quiet between the three of you for a few minutes, Daisy looking back and forth between you two until you smiled

"It's okay Velvet."


"We're Huntsman, it comes with the job. I'm a little bummed sure, but it'll be fine."

"What about the dance?"

"Maybe the other cute bunny girl in my life will go with me if you can't?" You asked as Daisy's eyes lit up and she nodded, "There, so let Coco talk with Ozpin and if you can stay we'll go together."

Velvet's ears perked back up and you embraced her as she nuzzled her chin against your shoulder. "You're too sweet sometimes (y/n), you know that?"

You Won't Fall (Velvet Scarlatina x MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now