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  I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 in the morning. Ugh its Monday I thought to myself. I slumped out of bed and went to eat breakfast. About 5 minutes after i got ready. I just wore my usual clothes for school like I did at my old school.

    I checked the time soon after that and realized I missed the bus

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    I checked the time soon after that and realized I missed the bus. Damn I grabbed my skateboard and ran out the door and went as fast as my board can carry me.
      I got to school about 10 minutes later and ended up being late. As soon as I got in, I thought I was going to be in trouble but surprisingly I wasn't. Turns out my dad had called and told them I was new. Just great!! I thought. Now I'm going to be noticed.  In the office there was a nice looking girl. She is in student council and is going to show me
Around. "Hi." I said not to eagerly. "Hi there my name is Laycy!!" She said. "Im Alex..nice to meet you" not "I will be the one to show you around for the week and it looks here on your schedule that we have 3/6 classes together!" She shouted Just great..classes with a preppy girl ugh I said under my breath. She heard and asked "whats that??" "Oh nothing im just nervous" I said lies lies lies and guess what Alex?! MORE LIES......

     About an hour after she showed me where everything is in this giant school, we went to our 3rd class. This class thank goodness she isnt in this class. As soon as I walked into class I immediately got stared at... crap!!!!  The teacher Mr. Crayler walked up and said " well hey there class just started... you new round here?" I froze then stuttered saying "y...yes s..sir." The class still looked at me but there was this one person that caught my eye. He had a grey ripped hoodie on, blue eyes, a beautiful smile, ripped jeans, and black hair. If I could estimate how tall he was.. I would say about 6" feet tall. Skinny too. He sat in a dark corner in the very back of the room.
Alright Alex stop daydreaming!! Then Mr.Crayler said "Ms Alex is it?... you sit right there next to Jack.".... "JACK raise your hand please!!?" He shouted CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! Its that cute guy I explained just now.

     I went and sat next to Jack. I noticed that all through class he stared at me... It kinda scared me a bit.  About 4 Hours later the bell rang to go home. As i walked down the stairs from art, I saw Jack. He was talking to some friends and luckily I managed to slip past him without being noticed. I rode home as fast as possible and did my homework before dad came home. Then after dinner which was very quiet and quick, I read myself to bed as usual and that was it for the day. Im sort of. Nervous to see what the rest of the week holds for me here.

Knife To Meet You *Contains Strong Language* ( Jeff The Killer x Alex)Where stories live. Discover now