Chapter 2: I have to go where?!

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Chapter 2

After another thirty minutes or so I fell asleep.

I was woke up by the doctor, who I didn't even take the time to learn the name, shook me softly. Once she thought I was awake enough she took me into the room she was in and told me to have a seat across from her and began to talk.

"Ali, i noticed you cried most of the time you were in there, why were you crying?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm just not good enough I guess I don't know"

"Good enough for what?" She asked, I could tell she thought he was onto something, but she was about to have that come crashing down in her face.

"Anything" I replied, and I was right. Her facial expression slowly went back to normal.

"When I came in there the first time and asked if you were alright, you were whispering something, do you remember what it was?"

"Um when I was in the chair?"


"Um, I think it was that I'm a failure" I whispered. My voice was about to break, I was about to sob. I could feel it.

She wrote some stuff down in her notes.

"A failure? What do you think your a failure at?"

Oh God. "Everything" I whispered. I'm gonna vomit. She thinks I'm crazy. I know she does. And the bad thing is, maybe I am.

She sighed. "What is everything?"

"Can I have some water please?" I asked her this time.

"Of course." She pressed a button on the phone which sat on the back of her big desk. "Yes Layla, can you bring my patient a cup of water?"

"Ok thanks." She let go of the button.

"I was reading your chart, and it says you hurt your self, is that true?"

"Yes" I whispered. Oh god. I can't take this.

About that time a knock came from the door. "Come in Layla." The assistant put the water down infront of me and left again.

I put the cup up to my mouth and the cold water made its way down my throat. Ahh refreshing.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem, I really see no need in asking you all these questions. You're giving me the same answers as you have all the other doctors. I think I have an idea of what I can do with you though, but before I talk to your parents can I see the notebook you were using earlier?"

"Um sure. I guess"

"Do you mind getting it for me?" She asked.

"Yeah okay" I got up, a little to fast. My head started spinning. I'm gonna vomit oh my god. But I walked into the patient room and walked over to where the notebook was and grabbed it, I walked swiftly back to the room and handed it to the doctor.

"Intersesting," she started. I immediately regretted drawing. I know she wasn't meaning to embarrass me. But she did. Oh God.

"So, this dragon is society, and the girl is a regular girl, yes?"

"Yes" I said refusing to make eye contact.

"Is this how you feel?" She asked me.

"Yea I guess" I answered.

"Yeah. Society sucks eh?" She said back. Which surprised me. Most of them are just like "it's not society. There not all bad blah blah blah"

I smiled at her, and decided she was my new favorite doctor.

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