Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

"Tomorrow" I whisperd.

"Yeah, I know it seems mean but maybe that'll make you feel better." My dad said.

"Okay. Well. Let's go home so I can, um, pack" I decided I should be strong infront of mom and dad, although the knot inside my stomach just kept tying itself tighter.

Dad got up and motioned for the doctor to come back in.

"Are you okay with the decision Ali?" She asked.

"I guess. If you and my parents feel it'll help me then I guess it's worth a try." I said, surprised by the strength of my voice. Everything inside me was falling. My heart was no longer in my chest, now it had made its way down to my stomach.

After another 3 hours of signing papers and asking questions we were released. It was 7 and I haven't ate at all today. And honestly I wasn't hungry. I'm getting sent off tomorrow. Tomorrow.

"How am I going to do my school work?" I blurted out once we were in the car.

"They have teachers that will teach you."

"Can I take my phone?" I asked.

"Yeah. But you only get to use it for 3 hours a day. " that sucks. I'm on the internet a solid 12 hours a day and I ate or slept the rest.

"Can we go to McDonalds?" Addie asked, the sound of her voice scaring me. Sometimes I forget she's even around, I know that's awful but it's true.

"Um yeah of course" dad answered for mom.

I looked out the window we should be at the McDonalds in about 5 minutes.

"What do you want from there girls?" Mom asked.

"I want a burger and fries and that juice stuff they have" Addie answered quickly.

"What about you Ali?"

"I don't want anything" I answered honestly.

"You have to get something. What do you want? "

"Ugh. Get me a chicken wrap and a water" I mumbled.

We pulled into the McDonalds parking lot and dad ordered our food. I played with the cord of my head phone. What do I need to pack? Clothes for sure. My computer, my chargers, some pillows and blankets. Shampoo and soap for sure. A brush, my toothbrush and tooth paste. Hair bows, a straightener, makeup. Deodorant, paper and pencils. My beanie. Towels an wash cloths razors and shaving cream even though they'll probably monitor them. Which honestly is a good idea. And maybe some perfume.

I think that's all.

"Here Ali, get this!" Mom said reaching a bag to me before handing me two cups. I handed the one with a colored liquid to Addie. Then I opened the bag and took out the burger and fries and handed it to her before taking out my chicken wrap. I slowly opened the wrapper. I glanced over at Addie who just lost a fry down her coat sleeve.

After downing the chicken wrap and most of the water we pulled into our driveway. The knot in my stomach still hasn't eased. Once the car was stopped I unbuckled and stepped out. "I don't feel so good" I whispered, right before I vomited. Mom jumped out of the car and held my hair back, which was gonna do absolutely no good. It already had vomit all in it.

"Oh honey" she kept repeating while patting my back.

"I think I'm good now" I said short of breath.

"Well, okay" mom said letting go of my hair.

Dad and Addie had already went inside. So I grabbed my phone and walked inside the house. The smell of cinnamon filled my senses. Probably because mom keeps a candle burning all the time when were home and awake so our house always smells like this now. I went into my room and threw my phone on my bed. Then I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I turned turned on the hot water know and took my clothes off before stepping in the shower. I let the hot water pour over my body.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow my life is gonna change. I won't be able to sleep in my bed anymore. Other than once a month but still. I sighed before grabbing a luffa and some body wash.

After my shower I went into my room and put on some pajamas. The bottoms were made pink and made of comfy material, and the shirt was just an old oversized t-shirt. I came out of my room and walked down the short hallway, that always seemed so long as a child, and into the living room. My eyes saw mom first. She was sitting on the couch with a cigarette between her lips, she had quit before my diagnosis but has picked up the awful habit again. Dad had a bag of chips in his lap with a drink in his hand. "Where's the suit cases" I asked. I really didn't want to talk to them no more than I have to. I've put them through so much embarrassment, even looking at them I feel guilty. Thinking of all the welfare check ins to make sure we had enough and I wasn't abused. To the way they found out.

"There in the top if my closet, can you reach it?" She asked. My five foot nothing height becoming a disadvantage once again.

"No I can't"

"Alright let me get up then, how many will you need?" She asked while walking into her room.

"I'd say at least 6" I said entering her room. Mom want very tall either but she was tall enough to get the stuff down.

After packing I decided to go straight to bed. I really dread tomorrow. It could be worse I guess. Which really didn't ease my worry.

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