Chapter 6: Renewed Hope

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Chapter 6

Renewed Hope

"It's with this responsibility and this purpose that I will continue to serve the crown and my people." Sytre stood before his family, and the crowds of Silverseat. He'd finally allowed his Father to give him the victory celebration he'd wanted to throw when Sytre had returned, but Sytre wanted to take this opportunity to make it something more.

"I will honour the fallen and place their desires into my heart and carry their strength with me in all my years to come." The crowds cheered and applauded. Sytre looked around. His brothers were all in their ceremonial armours, as were many more of his family. Agron bowed his head and Myko unsheathed his sword and raised into the air in Sytre's honour.

He could hear Thuldin laughing loudly with his father and uncle somewhere behind him, he was recalling the time he'd whooped Sytre in training for so many years, times that he sorely missed.

Sytre's eyes scanned the faces of the crowd quickly, before coming to the front of the crowd, to where the old woman from the parade stood, watching him. Though her eyes were wet from weeping, she nodded in renewed respect. "I take on these missions, these risks, because I have the faith of my people," he opened his arms, welcoming all his citizens. "Because I can and will take on their sacrifices and their will, the will to protect everyone in the Kingdom of Silverseat, to support my heart."

Sytre placed a hand over his chest, "They will stay there as each stone is cemented into the foundations of this city. They will be there forever, always strengthening my resolve."

"Everything they fought for and believed in is entrusted to us, so that we may use it for strength and courage. This is what it really is, not some curse but a gift." Sytre raised his sword into the sky. The power of the Light surged around him, enveloping him in a radiant golden glow.

"This is the Echoes of the Fallen."

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