Lily Luna

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A/N I don't own PJO or Harry Potter but I do own Percy's kids :P

Harry Potter was sitting in the kitchen reading the daily prohet when his daughter, Lily came running in.

"Dad! How many days!" she asked. Harry looked up from his paper and started at her. The girl was hyperactive she was!

"2 days Lil, can you wait that long?" asked Harry.Lily goaned. "You know, you are going to get it! After all, you've showed more signs of magic then Al and James put togeather!"

"Yes but what if I don't get in? What if dad.."

Harry smiled. He had remebered that just 2 years before Al was saying the same thing about getting into Slytherin. Instead, he got his wish. Gryffindor had recieved a magneficent student.

"Lil your going to get the letter so calm down!" said Harry half amused by his daughtere's eagerness but half annoyed too.

"James Sirius Potter! What on Earth have you done!??!!" Ginny's voice echoed from upstairs all the way to the kitchen. Harry and Ginny looked up and burst out laughing.

"He was getting on my nerves Mum!" complained James.

"Well that doesn't mean you can glue Al to his bed James!" Ginny's voice sounded so much like Molly. Harry mouthed the words 'scary' and Lily b urst out laughing.

"I'm going to miss you guys.." said Lily.

"See you know that your going to get in!" Harry pointed out. Lily nodded.

Ding Dong! Voldie's Dead..

Went the door bell.

"Who hexed the door bell!" yelled Ginny who was now walking downthe stairs. Lily ran laughing to the front door. She opened it and yelled out, "MUM!!"

A women with blonde curls and amazing grey eyes was standing at the door. She looked friendly enough.

"Hi!" she said. "I'm your new neighbour!"

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