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Jarrod was sitting in the back seat playing on his D.S. His twin sisters, Loren and Zoe whre fighting about which was better, Brains or Brawn.

Annabeth was in the front seat talking to Percy about something like 'He was always needing her to save him' and how 'Athena was a big jerk'.

"Jarred what do you think?" asked Loren.

"Die! Die! Come on Mario!" said Jarred ignoring his elder sister.

Loren muttered something like 'Stupid Boy'.

They had been nearly all over America fighting monsters and killing or badly harming creatures.

Annabeth had decided to move to England so they could meet up with some old friends and protect thie children. They where oing to returnto America but only when the new 'upcoming danger' was gone.

"Okay Annabeth! Athena isn't stupid but she should stop being mean to be...Here we are!" announced Percy as they pulled up into the drive way of a large 2 storey house. When he stopped the car, the kids started pushing each other out.

"Z and Lorie, can you uys help wihthe unpacking? You too Jarred!" said Percy. Annabeth climed out of the car and smiled.

Z groaned. Her black curly hair kept on coming into her green eyes and if Annabth hadn't given her a hair cut, she'd of probably walked into a wall. Lorie adjusted her baby blue jacked and pulled out a brush. She combed her long blonde hair. She was a mini copy of Annabeth except that her hair was straight. Jarrod had black hair and green grey eyes. Lorie considered him as a 'Mario obssesed freak'.

Percy had stopped her from calling him that long ago but something was strange about him. He seemed to make thinks move without touching them, nimals would obey his every command, if he had a hair cut that he didn't want his hair would grow back the very next day! It was almost like...


"I'll invite the neighbours over for dinner!" announced Annabeth.

"Hey genius, aren't they supposed to do that?" asked Percy and Annabeth whacked him in the back of the head.

"Shut it Seaweed brain!"

The kids started laughing.

Annabeth smiled to herself and walked back down the drive way. She looked at the house next to their's. It was perfectly normal. A swinging chair was attached to the verranda and a huge tree tied with pictures of..wait..bromsticks,owls,wants and witches hats? Was it just her or where the next door neihbour's obseesed with magic?

She shook her head. Maybe they had kids to! That would be nice for Lorie,Jarrod and Z!

She walked up to the door and rang the door bell.

"Ding dong Voldie's dead..."

Nice bell! She thought. She pressed her ears against the door. Annabeth thought she heard a women yell, "Who hexed the door bell!!??"

Then the door swung open. The cutest little girl about Jarred age with dark red hair, bright brown eyes and freakles was standing their curiously.

"Mum!!" she yelled. Annabeth could hear foot steps. 

"Hi!" she said." I'm your new neighbour!"

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