I still remember the way we met. It was the summer before 7th grade. we were such shy children don't you think? Our first words happened in a Facebook message and the conversation didn't get passed "Hi".Never did I think you would be the cause of my first heart break.
Slowly those facebook conversations began to expand beyond "Hey" or "Hi", and our true colors began to show. Our colors complemented each other so well it was almost unreal. You could almost complete my sentences.
Then our first day in the 7th grade we couldn't even look each other in the eye. Too scared to embarrass ourselves. Eye contact seemed almost illegal.
Then one day I worked up the courage to say "Hi". From then on my world turned upside down. I suddenly had a motive to wake up every morning but, I couldn't point it out. My younger self was to blind to see the wonderful human being you were. Too innocent to know that you were the one for me.
Do you remember me?
KurzgeschichtenShe was right there in my arms. Why did I let her go? why did I let us fade away?