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I stood there, gazing out at the open sky asking myself over and over again; "when will I tell them?".

_________Alana P.O.V _________

Today was moving day and it wasn't exactly how I would have imagined it. First, my 1990's guitar had smashed on its way up the moving van's ramp. Followed by yet another catastrophe; my dog was hit by a car and rushed to the vet. So I guess you can say that I'm unfortunately unlucky.

The evening had begun as we unpacked and began to settle into our new "formal" cottage. "Formal", a word commonly misused in my family.

A sudden gust of wind blew in from my open window above my old maple desk, knocking all of my boxes down on the way. As I started for the window; something particular happened. I noticed that I was floating.

_________Alana P.O.V _________

I awoke approximately at 3:47 in the morning after a terrible nightmare. I lay in bed trying to fight the urge to sneak into my parents' bed, just like I had used to when I was a little girl.

Struggling to find a solution to my boredom, I snooped. I snooped in my parents' cabinets, in the kitchen, the family records and files. And I didn't feel bad about it. Because somehow, that day, I felt different. Scary different.

__________Alana P.O.V________

The fireball scolded my hand as I forced the small flame up the sleeve of my shirt as my mother shuffled into the room. A thought passed through my mind a couple of times; "tell her".

As my middle-aged mom stuffed the newly bought clothing into my rusty old dresser, the thought passed my mind again. And again. Until I had to excuse myself from the room and get some fresh air from the patio.

I stood there, gazing out at the open sky asking myself over and over again; "when will I tell them?".

_________Alana P.O.V_________

Our eyes met at the corner by the local 7-Eleven just down the street from my house.

He was gorgeous; eyes blue as the ocean, hair soft as buttermilk. It didn't take long for me to get caught in the moment. Andrew Berman. I could just picture how my name would look in 10 years; Alana Berman.

Yes, that was an actual entry in my diary from when I was just ten years old. Today, I was getting ready for our 5 year anniversary. It was romantic, Andrew had picked me up where he had first met me. I was greeted by a quick kiss on the cheek and was escorted to the nearest bench. I was expecting a proposal or something. Maybe even a lame promise ring. But all I got was a sad look. And these seven words still ring in my ears now; "we just can't be a thing anymore".

__________Alana P.O.V________

Before he could say another word, I was up and out of there. That jerk was history.

__________Alana P.O.V________

Tonight, my parents were in ecstatic moods. I didn't dare think to make the wrong move and ruin the moment for everyone. So I kept quiet about Andrew But I spoke up about what I had "collected" while snooping in the files. "I know. That I'm... A... Adopted".

_________Alana P.O.V_________

My parents had left the window in the living room unlocked that night. I had a plan bubbling up inside of my head and I couldn't wait to create it. Now was my time to get out of here.

I slowly made my way across the tile floor without making a scratch. Steadily, without hesitation, I hoisted the window up above my head and jumped out.

Family and adoption files in hand, I headed into the darkness. Possibly never to return.

__________Alana P.O.V________

My biological parents were super villians and I had inherited their evil forces. I know- cool right? I thought this was awesome. But boy, was I wrong.

_________Alana P.O.V_________

So here I was. knocking on their door. Possibly knocking on death's door. But I take my chances. Before I could take another hesitant step backward, the door swung open. Revealing a beautiful young woman with red hair and black lipstick wearing a 90's rock t-shirt. This was my destiny. This was my time.

__________Alana P.O.V________

The files were read, the pictures remembered, and evil brought together once again. This was where I had belonged my whole life. I was born into this world, and I was going to leave the world after destroying it.

I dialled the number on the phone very carefully and waited for my adoptive mother to pick- up.



"Where have you been?"

The thought yet again- tell her!

"Finding my life. I have reunited with my real parents."

"And I won't be coming home".

__Carly Fierce (evil mother) P.O.V__

Many have been destroyed since I have reunited with my daughter. Cities left in destruction. Families left in agony. Look out. We're ready.

::stay tuned for part 2:: war angel::

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