We lay by each other on his bed just listening to the music play. I wonder what he is thinking?
I turn my body towards him and wrap my arms around his and look up at him.
"What?" He asks without even turning to look at me.
"Just wondering what you're thinking." I say.
He inhales deeply and let's it out. Not saying a word. That's when I knew it was over. The long nights talking, the funny snapchats, and late texts, Done. Gone. All in that brief moment of silence, I knew.
It shouldn't matter to me though, him and I are "only friends." But he was someone I cared about, and he was ready to move on. And how shellfish would it be to try and keep him here with me.
I let go of his arm and sit up. This gets his attention.
"What are you doing?" He asks concerned.
"Leaving." I say sadly.
"Oh..." he says.
I look back to him. His eyes filled with curious sadness.
"I love you, and you aren't even mine, but I love you. I see that you aren't happy and you're ready to move on to something better because what we do together isn't enough for you, because I don't make you happy in the way you want. And I'm sorry for that. I've felt us drifting more everyday for the last couple of weeks. I denied it to myself, but now I know. I feel it. I see it. So, Goodbye." I say with tears starting to run down my face.
I stand up and move slowly to the door. I reach for the door knob, hoping to hear him say something. Anything. To tell me I'm wrong. To tell me I mean more to him than I believe. But nothing came. Not one word. I opened the door, still hoping. Wanting to look back and see him one last time, but I don't. I walk through the threshold closing the door behind me. Letting the boy I love go.

PoetryNot completely a story, just poems I've written about two people who will find each other in the end of their lives. (Not in any order)