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Lynn Jameswood

We both sat down, hand in hand, while Samuel sat down in the chair next to the couch.

"Your father was on a case with Lane, looking for a man by the name of Tim Boston who was wanted for a homicide. They found him, but got in a huge gun fight, causing Tim to die. I was seven when this happened. You would've been seven as well. Dad came home to my mom and told her the whole thing. When my mom died, he went crazy. Your father and my father clashed and faught and soon, Lane wanted Tania as a replacement for my mother. That's all he wanted was your mother. The only way he thought to do that was kill your father... but first he had to send a few warnings. So, he sent Steven Saunders after you... that wasn't enough, so he went himself and raped you and your mother. Marking you guys his. Then... Lane murdered your dad then blamed Steven. Since my dad is a police officer, the officials took it and boom, Steven is in jail for 'murder'. After that, your mom wouldn't agree with being in a relationship with him, so Lane used you as a threat, and told Tania that he would kill you and Austen if she didn't quit her new job, that was here. You guys moved... so did we. Your mom quit her job, to be with Lane and now she's raped and abused... every single day." I was in tears. Sobbing even. Tanner wrapped his arms around me, as I cried into his shoulder. So many things has happened but half of it had an even bigger background. I felt so depressed and overwhelmed by everything. I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything.

"We need to get him behind bars." Tanner nodded. I pulled back and pulled out my phone. I put the video on and gave it to Tanner. He watched and scowled, then handed it over to Samuel. Samuel watched.

"We will get him in jail." Samuel said. Once I calmed down, I stood up.

"Come on. We're going to the police right now. I can't deal with this bullshit anymore. So we are going." They both stood up. I walked to my car and got in the drivers seat. Samuel sat in the back while Tanner sat in the front. I backed out then drove to the police station.

"Ok... we just need, my phone and your phone." We checked to make sure we had everything then we went inside.

"Let me talk. I know these people." Samuel said. I nodded and he stepped forward and talked to the man at the front desk.

Bzz, Bzz, Bzz

"Hello." I said picking up my phone.

"Honey. You need to come home right now."

It was mom.

"Why? What's wrong?" I said getting a bit worried. She sounded scared and like she was crying.

"It's Austen."

My eyes widened as I looked up at Tanner.

"What?" He said.

"Mom, I'm on my way." I ran to Samuel and gave him my phone.

"Do what you can." As I ran out the door, I grabbed Tanners hand, and dragged him to my car.

"You need to drive." I said tearing up.


"I'm freaking out Tanner! Just drive." My breathe hitched as Tears blurred my vission. I got into the car and Tanner started to drive.

"My house. Something happened to Austen. Mom didn't say what." My mind was racing of what could've happened to him. Car accident, plane crash, house fire, school bomb, shooting, murder.

"I'm sure he's fine."

"Mom was crying... she never does. She didn't even say 'hey' or 'what are you doing'" He nodded then reached for my hand.

"Just calm down. Everything is going to be fine. You'll be okay, your mom will be okay, Austen will be okay. Okay?" I nodded.

"Okay." We got to my house and he parked the car before I ran inside. Mom was frantically running around the house, packing a bag.

"Mom, what happened? What are you doing?" She stopped with the phone in her hand.

"The plane that Austen was in, crashed in the middle of nowhere. They didn't know for the longest time. But so far, everyone they have pulled out is dead, and unrecognizable from the fire, except for Austen and the guy he was sitting with, they are at a hospital." My eyebrows furrowed before I turned around with my hand on my forehead. I sucked in a large amount of air, before breaking down, and falling into Tanner. He wrapped his arms around me, both of his hands in the middle of my back.

"I have to go." I looked up.

"Where?" She lifted the handle to the suitcase.

"I have to go on a business trip... they won't let me go see him so that's what I need you to do." That set me off. I pulled myself out of Tanner's arms.

"Oh right... a 'business trip'. Mom, I know what your doing! Your going to stay with Lane! The man that ruined our lives! I know everything now mom. From you and Lane... all the way to the real reason dad died! Don't try and hide it... you don't when have a job... right now... we are telling the police everything... I'm fixing what you did. Think about that mom. Think about it." I ran up to my room and pulled out my backpack and out some clothes in it along with my charger and hygiene, then ran back downstairs, tears scrolling down my face.

"I'm going to see him. He's going to know that someone actually cares." She huffed.

"Fine, just remember that I'm saving you and Austen." She gave me a piece of paper with the address of the hospital, In Arizona... mom stomped out the door, and got into her car a drove away.

"Im going alone." I said to Tanner.

"No... your not. You can't do this on your own." The look that he had in his eyes were... incredible. It was true care and love that it was hard to look away.

"Yes I can... you have to many good things you have to continue... so please... let me figure stuff out on my own." He looked down, sadly.

"Please Tanner. Do this for me." He nodded.

"Fine... but please text me or something so I know your okay." I nodded.

"I love you." He bent down and placed his lips on mine. I kissed back, another tear, sliding down my cheek.

"I love you more."

What If? -Tanner Braungardt-Where stories live. Discover now