AN - I'm Not Dead So Cancel The Funeral (Updated)

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November 29th, 2016 (Updated Februrary 14th, 2017 & December 27th, 2017)

I'M BACK!!! So now that I have time and I figured out my password (that took forever), I can start writing again! 

So I've been receiving some Reviews on the story and they're asking why I put #percabeth and have also been wondering when I'll update, why Percy is starting to get nice, Percy and Kelli should be in a relationship, if this story will turn out like all the others where Percy's bad but becomes good, yada yada yada.

SO! ANSWERS! (I'm gonna leave the #percabeth question to the end.) 

Updates: Probably not often, now that i don't have a partner to bounce ideas off of :( but I'll try my best to come up with something at least once a month :)

Why Percy is starting to get nice: I've been trying to keep him mean, but apparently his softness is showing. This is a major thing that's going on, Percy is confused over his emotions so he's trying to ignore them altogether. His niceness is... temporary. That's all I'm gonna say.

Percy and Kelli: Okay, that was in there as a joke, if you want to read PercyXKelli, go read someone else's work :T

If this story'll turn out like the others: I guarantee that this story is 100% unique. This is just an idea me and Amber came up with so we went with it and, like most people, turned to FanFiction & Tumblr & Wattpad. Let's have a poll, shall we? 

If you want Percy to become good and have a happy ending, Review "OLYMPIAN"
If you want Percy to stay the bad guy and have a sad ending, Review "CHAMPION"
The Poll will go on for 1 month (Till December 29th, 2016)  Update: Because apparently you guys don't know what a deadline is, here is the polls for literally an entire year. 


Please stop posting your votes. It ended a while ago. Back then, Champion still won, and Champion is still way in the lead, so we're doing Champion whether you like it or not. If you don't, read something else.

#percabeth: I did this because I wasn't sure which ending I decided on. I had two alternate endings planned out and if we kept Percy evil, we'd use it as the was Percabeth at the beginning; if he became good, he and Annabeth would get back together, making Percabeth canon. Again this ties in with the Poll from above so I want to hear your feedback and I'll go from there. ____________________________________________________________
August 17th, 2017

I am so so sorry you guys (and girls) that read this story, I've been grounded (still am :( ) and I couldn't post and I probably won't be able to post till the summer (about May 27ish) and I have also deleted the chapter with the song "Jennifer Lawrence - Deep In The Meadow" because it really didn't line up with what I had planned so I'm going to change it and repost it (sorry) but this is all I can say for right now and I'll see you at the end of school (for me) :( bye

Update: actually you guys, this story will be on hiatus for awhile, im going to rewrite the whole thing and make it about 4X better :)

But, my absence cannot go inexcused without reason: I have been in a lot of stuff, been really busy and trying to work this story into it just didn't work. I did however get free time so I was going to work on it, I just never felt like I should. It didn't feel like this story was going anywhere, like it was just one problem after the next, and everything wasn't lining up. I didn't want to give forced material, so I waited for inspiration to hit, and it never did. :/ I'm sorry, but now I'm going to be fixing everything up and yeah so, expect a revised story by the end of the year :)
December 27th, 2017

Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh, I have a bit of explaining to do, don't I?

Let's start with this: skip the explanation and straight on to the story. That sounds like a marvelous idea, let's do that. Okay, I've been typing for the past half hour and should have something up by at least tomorrow or late tonight - oh and btw, I took out Amber from chapter 11, she's going to be used later on (^w^) happy reading and merry late Christmas 

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