Crowned Champion

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Don't judge the picture, it's the best i could find

Chapter 3: Crowned Champion

Percy (POV)

15 years later.....

Ever sense I agreed with Kronos, I've been training down in Tartarus. I got rid of Riptide, too many memories. I know have two twin swords, Titanium and Platinum, now I'm more skilled with them then I ever was with Riptide.

I sent Riptide to the ocean to my I disowned him in my earlier years.

Kronos with his freaky time powers was able to keep me looking 18 years old, said I have more potential young.

I was in the middle of fighting a group of Telkines, when Kronos stepped in the room. He looked like he had something urgent to say. So I hurried and finished off the Telkines, and jogged over to him.

"Hello, Perseus. How is my favorite grandson?" Kronos joked.

"Call me Percy, and don't call me grandson makes me sound young." I retorted jokingly. "Grandpa."

"You are young, and don't call me Grandpa. Makes me sound old." replied Kronos.

"You are old."

"No I'm not."

"You are.....thousands if not millions of years old."

"Ugh, point taken."

We laughed at their quarrel.

"So, is there something you want to talk to me about?" I asked. Kronos nodded, and ushered me to follow him. He led me to a room, there Tartarus was waiting for us.

I bowed to Tartarus. "Rise." he said, and I obeyed.

"Now, Percy, you have shown much potential over the years. Courage, bravery, skills, loyalty. So I've decided... that I want you to be my Champion." Tartarus said, I looked at him shocked.

He wanted me to be his champion. This has to be a joke, only Tartarus' face told me differently. He was serious, I was going to be his Champion!

"Do you accept?" Tartarus asked

I nodded fervently "Of course." Tartarus grinned.

"Then I give you the blessing of Tartarus." he said, he put a hand on my forehead and chanted a couple words. I felt immense pain surge through me, but I stayed silent.

Rule Number 1: Never show fear or pain.

My back burned, and I felt something grow. I forced myself to not go unconscious. Finally the pain subsided. And I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I looked behind me and was surprised to find black wings darker than Tartarus himself self. I flapped them experimenting.

 I flapped them experimenting

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"Cool." I said awestruck.

"Yes, you also have a couple new powers from me. You can summon Greek Fire, you can control monsters and make them disintegrate just by snapping you fingers, and my personal favorite, you can turn into a dragon." Tartarus listed.

I stretched out my hand and concentrated, I saw a ball of green fire spring my palm. Greek Fire.

"That is seriously awesome." I exclaimed.

"Now you must train with your new powers. Also, how is your progress on your water powers?"

I smirked. I made the water molecules in the air squeeze together and it formed an ice dagger out of my hand. I vapor travel around the room. I concentrated on the water molecules in a harpy and it burst into dust. I showed a couple more.

Tartarus looked at me approvingly. "Good."

"Now continue training Percy. In 5 years, we will be ready for the uprising." Kronos smirked evilly. I mimicked his smirk.

I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. Percy Jackson is coming, and nothing can stop him!

I left the room. Tartarus and Kronos act like family with me. Tartarus is like a nice uncle, and Kronos is my grandpa. I have a weird bloodline.

I saw a group of monsters waiting for me by the entrance. I noticed the Minotaur, Alecto, Echidna and Chimera, Kelli, and a couple other monsters I defeated. Surprisingly, we forgave each other and became friends.

"Whoa, where did the wings come from?" asked Mini, my nickname for the Minotaur.

"Your looking at Tartarus's new champion." I said.

"Awesome." said Mini giving me a fist bump.

"Wings make you look so much... sexier." said Kelli, ever sense we became friends she has been trying to hook up with me. Trying.

But I keep thinking about Annabeth, and it's hurts. I think I may still have some feelings for her.

I smiled nervously at Kelli.

"Well, got to go. I'm not done training yet." I said before jogging off. They waved good bye.

More training, what fun. Note my sarcasm.

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