Thank You For Doing My Dirty Work

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I used to love streetteams and book / author groups. They're actually a cool place to meet other fans and make new friends because of a mutual interest. The place for a streetteam / group to be is mostly on some social media ( Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc. ). Most of us are constantly hanging around those platforms anyways.

What I enjoyed most about streetteams and groups was the fact that a fan got the latest news firsthand before anyone else did. And not to forget the stuff most authors gave away within the groups. Dear God,I have a huge box filled with stuff I have no need for (Don't put the „ ungrateful" stamp on my forehead before I finish) . It's true. I've been showered with guitar picks, bracelets, magnets,stickers, postcards, flyers, books, pens, cups, t-shirts and so many bookmarks that I could easily commit suicide with.

In 6 years I was able to collect so many wonderful things from different authors, but I don't know what to do with the non-book related items. Of course, I used the pens and the cups. But I'm 34 and I don't use stickers with „ I love whoever" printed on them, and I don't play the I really have no need for those other items. I'm a practical person and I'm not fond of keeping stuff just for the sake of it. 

Now, as a blogger I know I can give those things away, right? Sure, I could. But I'm a blogger who reads and reviews. I think it goes beyond my hobby to spend money on shipping something I got for free. Besides buying the books I want to read, I never wanted to invest any money, period. ( Unless it was for a special occasion )

Let's get back to the subject.

We've established that streetteams and book groups are awesome! But they can also be screwed up.

The ones I stay far away from are the ones who have rules. If a streetteam or group needs to remind people how to behave then what's the point? I follow rules at work. My kids follow rules at home. My husband follows my rules ( LOL. Just I'm not. LOL) because he knows I'll turn into a giant purple lizzard with 3 heads and fly off with a broomstick. Groups and streetteams should be a fun place. 


It occurred to me that some some authors also needed a push in the promo department. I mean- they went through all the hassle to come up with a story and put it down on paper. Surely, those authors could pimp their own work, right? Wrong. Oh, I couldn't be more wrong.

As always, I am not speaking of every author I know. That would be rude because just as many authors are kind, caring and respectful. I'm referring to the „ others". The ones who are total jack-asses WHO also use innocent fans to do their own dirty work.

Again-I shit you not. There are authors out there who believe a virtual streetteam or a group is there for to collect potential slaves ( *cough cough * my apologies..I meant fans ) to do all the time consuming book promotion for them.

I've been in a lot of streetteams and I've seen these things happen more than once. It made me wrinkle my nose and shake my head every time an author found a stupid person who was willing to sacrifice loads o ftheir time to help them with whatever. I mean- there are PA's out there. They do the job professionally.

Let me get one thing straight here- I ( and probably many others too )would help an author out anytime. But only to a certain degree.

I join a group to have fun and to be apart of an inner circle that gets more insight than the rest would. I don't join to work!


I can imagine what you all are thinking.

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