Out Happily Ever After (End)

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Jess' P.O.V
  I wake up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waste. I slightly turn to see Max laying beside me sleeping peacefully. I smile at him, thinking about yesterday.  'I'm not going to wake him up just yet.' I thought as I crawled out of his grip and went to the kitchen. "Well good morning." A tired voice said. I turned around to see Red coming down the hall. "Good morning to you too Red. Did you sleep well?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Don't mind me I'm just going to make us some breakfast. Is bacon and eggs alright?" I asked, slightly tilting my head like a confused puppy. He laughed and said, "That's fine Jess.... so, you and Max huh?" I blushed and went to the fridge. "Y-Yeah. I missed us. I missed what we had and I missed all of you. I'm so glad things are sort of back to normal." I said, while grabbing eggs, cheese, and bacon.
  I turned on the stove and grabbed two pans. I took out a couple strips of bacon and put them on one pan, while in the other I cracked a few eggs and let them sit for a few moments. "Jess I really think you should go see your other friends today. At least clear things up." Red said. I froze. 'What if my dream becomes reality?' I thought. I shrugged and flipped the eggs, while Red came over to help with the bacon. "You don't have to help Red." I said. He chuckled and said, "It's fine. I want to help." He said.
  We finally got breakfast ready and he said he would go wake everyone up. "I got Max." I said, as I ran up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom. I walked inside quietly and walked over to the bed. Max was laying on his back so I crawled on his chest and kissed his nose. "Wake up Maxxy." I said giggling a bit. Max growled and shot straight up. "I'm going to punish you now." Max said with a cheeky smirk.
  He held me down as he started to tickle me. "MAX STAWP IT!!!" I yelled between laughs. He started laughing as well and kept tickling me. "MAAAAAAAAX PLEASEEEEEE!" I yelled. "Not until oh apologize!" Max said, still laughing. "I-I'M SORRY!!!" I yelled again. He finally let go and pulled me into his lap. He had this look in his eye that made me think something was wrong. "Max?" I asked. He looked up at me and there was something in his eyes that made my heart break.
Max's P.O.V
  "Are you alright?" Jess asked, leaning on my chest and rubbing my arm. 'No. I feel like I'm going to lose you. I can't let you leave my side ever again. I'm not going to ever let you go.' I thought. I have her a sad smile and said, "I just... I don't want anything to happen to us. I love you too much to let you go again." I said.
  She pulled her head up and looked at me with seriousness in her eyes. "I'm not leaving you guys again Max." She said. I smiled and put my hand on her cheek. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back almost immediately. Things got a little more intense when I licked the outline of her bottom lip. He gladly accepted and we fought for dominance. I moved my hand to her hips and rubbed her sides. She tangled her hands in my hair and she moaned slightly.
  "Ahem." We heard from the doorway. "I know you guys love each other and all but our breakfast is going to get cold if you guys don't hurry up." Adam said with a chuckle. "Jess pulled away and I kissed her nose. "Let's go love." I whispered, picking her up bridal style and running out the door past Adam. "MAX PUT ME DOWN! YOU'RE GONNA KILL MEH!" Jess yelled with a laugh. I ran over to the couch and dropped her. "MAX!" She yelled, slightly annoyed. I laughed and said, "You said to put you down." I said and walked over to he others to grab a plate of food.
/after breakfast\
Jess' P.O.V
  "I'm heading out to meet up with the others at the mall. Are you guys coming?" I asked. "Sure." Everyone said. "OK LETS GOOOO!!" I yelled in a weird voice. We all walked out of the house and walked down the street to the mall.
  When we arrived at the mall went to the sushi place that I told the MyStreet gang we wound meet up at. As well ALL walked over to the shop I saw everyone. Garroth, Laurence, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, Lucinda, Cadenza, Aaron, Travis, Dante, and Gene. (Yes Gene's nice in this :P) Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan raced over to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged back and laughed a little. 'I did miss these guys.' I thought.
  They walked back over to the rest of the MyStreet gang and me and the SkyMedia gang walked over to where they were all sitting. "I want to properly introduce to all before we get started. Then I will explain everything." I said, getting a little teary eyed. "Guys.. this is Garroth, Laurence, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, Lucinda, Cadenza, Aaron, Travis, Dante, and Gene." I said pointing to them as I said their name. They all either waved or said "hey."
  MyStreet, this is Ross, Shelby, Adam, Alesa, Barney, Red, and Max.. my boyfriend." I said, also pointing to them as I said their names. They all said "Hello." At the same time. I grabbed Max's arm and smiled at them all. "Now time for explaining."
/ Time skip after she explains because I'm lazily and feel terrible\
  "And that's everything from when I met them until now." I said, taking a deep breath after all of that. The MyStreeters (Just go with it) all looked at me in shock. "S-So you have p-powers?" Dante asked. We all nodded and I smiled at the MyStreeters again. "I'm so sorry that I ran away. I just needed some time to think." I said, letting a few tears slide down my face. Max wiped them and kissed my head. "So he is your boyfriend?" Aaron spoke up. I froze for a moment and hen nodded slowly. "I-I'm so sorry Aaron. I care about you but.. Max has always been the one for me." I said. Aaron looked hurt but then smiled. "I'm happy for you Aph- I mean Jess." Aaron said. "Call me Aphmau guys. That's what you are used to." I said, standing up and hugging them all except for Aaron. I looked at him last and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry." I said, and kissed his cheek.
  We talked for a while and we all became friends. We decided we could all hang out and do stuff together without anything being to awkward. The MyStreeters headed home while the SkyMedia gang and myself did as well.
  When we go home, everyone decided to watch a movie. We all sat on the couch, the floor, and ok each other to just hang out. I sat in Max's lap and we all had a great time. After the movie, Max and I walked outside to go for a walk. "I love you Jess. I haven't stopped." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you Max. I haven't stopped." I said. This was my happily ever after. All my friends were friends and there was no fights, no deaths, and no injuries. Max and myself ended the walk by setting a patch of grass on fire shaped as a heart. We walked home and went to bed as we always did before. Together, and in each other's arms.
(A/n HELLO MY PUPPIES HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?! I am so sorry that I'm ending this book but I think it's a good ending. I am so sorry that I haven't posted in like a week but I was very ill and still kind of am. I have a couple ideas for a new book. I know you're probably thinking "ALREADY?!" And to that I answer yes! My friend gave me a great idea on a book and now I just need to know what you guys want it to be about. It can be anything from Zalfie to something to do with Aphmau or Skydoesminecraft. Let me know in the comments what you think and I will see you guys later! Love you all keep howling!!)

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