Young Master

501 22 13

Charisse_the_Neko asked:

Do you have feelings for your young master? And I read the bio... Can I be your new master??

I do not understand why lots of people think that the young master and I are a couple. If you read the manga (which all of you dedicated fans have probably already done), you realize how much the young master loves Lady Elizabeth, even in the Titanic, when he leaped to almost sudden death because Lady Elizabeth almost drowned, and he vows to protect her. And I do not find any attraction to him as well (he is such a stuck-up,  prideful creature), but he is quite clever for such a small master~

As for becoming my new master, I will try to continue my search for a few more days. If I can't find one after that, then I don't see why not ^^

Ask: (The Official) Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now