Chapter 1

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One morning I woke up with a text from my brother Tanner, He said,

' meet me downstairs if u wanna go get waffles at ihop with the Tanner F. and I '

I jumped out of bed and immediately texted him back.

' Tanner F? '

' Tanner Fox. He's from YouTube.....?

I jumped up with joy, I've liked him for like ages.

' yeah I've heard of him and OK I'll go I'll be down in 15. '

' alright Tanners here, were just waiting for you.'

Oh god, he's here. He's so freaking cute haha.

I jumped in the shower, shaved my legs and ran back to my room to get the cutest outfit possible on.

I picked a black flowy skirt, that's high waisted, and a cute crop top with flowers on it. And my pair of high top chuck Taylors.

I put on mascara, drew in my eyebrows so they were perfect, put on the slightest amount of powder, and the Kylie Lip kit in a light shade of mauve. I put my long thick brown hair in a loose but high ponytail.

I grabbed my new IPhone 7 plus and ran downstairs to meet my brother and Tanner Fox.

" Hey Cass, this is Tanner Fox." My brother gestured towards Tanner, who walked up to me and hugged me.

" Its so nice to finally meet you , I'm a very big fan of yours Cassidy." Tanner said, rubbing my back during the hug.

" Really? Because I'm a fan of yours haha I really like you. " I heard myself blurt it out. I meant I liked his scooter tricks. Crap.

" Really, because your a very beautiful girl and I would like to get to know you. Wanna go out for waffles with me?" He asked me.

" Of course. And Tanner set this up didn't he. " I asked.

" Yes ma'am I did. " My brother said patting my shoulder.

" Wanna go then? And  i can drive us? I have a Nissan GTR." Tanner said proudly and I giggled.

" GOOD FOR YOU!!!. " My brother said, I fake punched him in the stomach.

      Tanner and I got into his GTR and soon we were off to IHOP.

    When we got there we walked into the building and got a table.

" So Cass, if I can call you that, how old are you? " Tanner asked me, he's so freaking sweet.

" Yeah, I like the sound of being called that, especially by you, " I giggled, " and I'm 15 what about you?"

" Your so cute and I'm 16. "

I nodded and the waitress walked over and asked what we wanted to drink and of course I wanted chocolate milk and Tanner got the same thing I did.

Tanner was staring at me.

" Is there something on me?" I asked looking at my shirt.

" No no. "

" Then what is it Tanner?" I asked, leaning slightly over the table.

" I'm looking at how beautiful you are." He leaned over the table as well.

" Thank you Tanner and have I told you that I think your very handsome? " I said giggling again.

" No you haven't but thank you. Is it OK if I sit next to you on that side?" He asked.

" Of course." I moved closer to the window so he would have more room. And we came over and sat next to me.

" 2 chocolate milks, are you guys ready to order?" The waitress said very rudely.

" Yes, Cass you go first." Tanner told me handing the waitress the menu he had.

" Can I please get the Strawberry waffles please?" I asked, handing her the menu I had.

" Yup." She said rudely.

" And I want the blueberry waffles please?" Tanner asked.

" Yes hun." She said standing closer to him. Suddenly Tanner put his hand on my thigh and kissed my cheek. And the waitress huffed and walked off.

" There goes her tip." Tanner said and I laughed and looked down at his hand that was still on my thigh. I cleared my throat.

" Sorry." He said removing his hand.

" Its OK haha it was nice." I said resting my chin in my had looking at him. God he's cute.

He chuckled and put his hand back.

" So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

" Anything you want to. But I have a question. " He said .

" What is it?" I said.

" So um. I asked your brother and your parents.. If I had their consent to ask you out,"
I feel like my stomach dropped and I had major butterflies,
" and I got everyone's except Tanners. " He told me.

" Oh. I'll talk to him. He will let us. Trust me." I said.

" But I wanna ask you anyways. We are on a date aren't we?"

"  Yes we are I hope haha. And ask me?" I said kinda confused.

" Cassidy Braungardt will you please be my girlfriend? I promise it will be an adventure."

" Tanner Fox , yes I would love to be your girlfriend!" I said smiling.

He smiled and squeezed my thigh.

We ate our waffles a we left he got onto the freeway and I was confused.

" Tanner where are we going?" I asked, as Tanner intertwined our fingers.

" Somewhere." He replied.

It turned out Tanner had planned to ask me out and had planned to go to IHOP, a trampoline place, an amusement park and then go to his house to watch Netflix and hang out. Today's gonna be fun.

" So now what?" I asked him.

" Wanna go to an amusement park?" He asked, gripping my thigh and then playing music.

" Yas that sounds fun. " I told him and he gave me a huge smile.

" What song?" He asked me.

" Can I pick one?." I said. Fixing my hair.

" Ya of course." He said, handing me his phone.

I played ' I'd love to change the world ' by Jetta.

" Good song." Tanner said, placing a hand on my thigh and revving the engine of his GTR.

" I need to tell you something. " I said.

" What is it?" He replied.

"  Promise you won't make fun of me? " I said.

" I promise I wouldn't make fun of you anyways." He said.

" OK well I've never had my first kiss yet. " I said, looking down at my lap.

" Me either. Let's make it special OK? " He said.

" Ok Tanner. " I said getting butterflies again.

I looked up and smiled at him and he did the same.

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