Death's Door: Part 2

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"Wait..." Prince Phillip's eyes widened in understanding. Those sexist wankers... they had a daughter... an adopted son rule... "As the legend goes, you're Briar Rose. Aurora... Sleeping Beauty."

"I guess you could say that's me." She simply shrugged and walked out the door exclaiming,

"Now where's that prized mare of yours?"

"How did you know about Lolita?"

"Don't call her that!" the petite girl snapped, only made intimidating by the fact that she was armed to the teeth. She ran to the princes black mare, and she stroked it's snout.

"You see, Prince. We are of few of the Metler dynasty, but fewer still share our gifts.

"You can talk to the wild animals, I can talked to the domesticated." Her fist clenched st her sides, and her face turns slightly red in anger.

"Which is absolute bullocks! Like only the men in our bloodline can relate to wild animals! Women posed as if we could only possibly understand the life of the domestic!" she screeched. Her figure was rigid again, and Prince Phillip only watched with wide eyes, knowing by her stance that somebody was gonna die.

He just hoped that it wasn't him.

Her hand swiftly got a hold of the dagger from its place, slung in her belt. She threw it skyward, her movements as robotic as before, and just like Norwell, all the prince heard was a chirp of surprise before a bird fell to the ground behind Briar Rose, impaled on the knife.

The prince, once again stared wide eyed in shock. Brilliant blue feathers, wings cut into odd but elegant shape by her previous owner. It was Blue, and she was as dead as Norwell.

"Now that one was a different case," the girl continued to mount the black mare, chirpy as ever. "You see, Blue, having had an owner was domestic at one point, but she was free as of now. We could both understand her, we just both couldn't talk to her."

"Now, Prince. Your services are no longer required, I'll just be on my way," and with that, she stirred the mare onto the forest path to town.

"Hey, you can't just take Lolita without my consent!"

"Don't call her that!" the girl's head snapped back to hiss. "Her real name is Winter, but I wouldn't expect you to know that!"

She tried to trot away, but Prince Phillip ran and grab onto the saddle, pulling it at an awkward angle.

"You have absolutely no respect for the animals you use, as if they're nothing but toys!" Her violet eyes flashed violently, and the prince took note of her bow that was loaded with three arrows that hadn't been there before.

The girl fired, and she missed. Speeding into a slight gallop, Prince Phillip charged after her. The girl of legend, Briar Rose fired rounded after round and they all missed.

The prince laughed aloud in mocking, cooing, "Is that the best you've got?"

The girl's thin lips twisted into a villainous smile. "No, it's not, in fact. Turn around."

And the prince did. One of many mistakes he made that day.

In front of him, spelt out on the ground in arrows was DD. Prince Phillip's eyes widened, and behind him was an arrow impaling his back, draining his life slowly.

"Goodbye, young Metler. I take it your grandfather didn't take you under his wings yet?" she cackled manicly. "Oh, wait, I forgot. He's dead!"

She galloped away as the prince gaze at the late thing he'll ever see.

DD. Death's Door.

As the legend goes, for a hundred years sleeps Briar Rose. Scorned her brother, she helped the horses like a mother. She attempt to kill, but was well matched, by a sword and her own blood and brand. Put on a spell by an evil queen, she was pricked, in the Underworld she did her deeds. Every century she is striked down by a Metler male, the animal's prince, the lion of the crowd. Foiled by a flower, she falls asleep again, until the next prince is ready to defend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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