The Baglok is a creature yond cometh in many forms, most oft in the forms of quite quaint people. This is because 't's true form is lacking valor and like a toad, ugly and venemous. 't is as if 't be true thou wast gazing upon a filthy starving human, but with disfigured forks and arms, and wing-like portrusions from the back yond did allow those folk to fly. 't doth take energy to hold 't's shapeshifts, so 't only reverts to 't's compliment extern 'round other Bagloks. Most oft, at which hour hunting, 'twill shapeshift to maketh itself cleaner and thicker, and hast ranker wings as seen in the depiction. The Baglok wilt hunt for humans, and humans high-lone. Using a quite quaint form to lure someone into certain places yond can nev'r beest did identify, for oft they lure groups of people at a time and many hunt in a pack, and then only to bewray their true forms, trapping their helpless prey and leading the group of up to thirty towards their foul dens. They then did put those folk in a pseudo paddock, taking one human for every three Bagloks in the tribe and throwing any scraps to the humans to keepeth those folk healthy and alive. Truly lacking valor, these creatures wilt beest eradicated on sight. They may only beest did recognize in their base or hunting form visually, but their actions wilt betoken one if 't be true 't is a baglok or not. Most oft, a baglok is constantly refusing any food did offer to those folk, yea if 't be true they hast gone days without eating. This is stereotypical, as they englut nothing but human flesh. They wilt eke suddenly disappear a lot, mainly to report on the status of the prey to the tribe. A artful hunter may eke track one by seeing not only people's interactions with others, but the distinct tracks did leave by their footprints for their infrequency of flight is a much moo efficient way of locating a den. Thither, despite the creature being as stout as several men to carryeth off their prey and crack bones if 't be true needeth beest, a medium to large company of soldiers may easily defeat the creatures. Tribes doth not communicate, save for territories and wars. In wars, they bewray a lacking valor fact about those folk, yond they art willing cannibals in time of duress. However, tribes wilt nev'r moveth into another tribe's territory unless the tribe leaves or is fordid by humans, for every Baglok is a coward. Keepeth yond particular fact in mind and humans may easily outsmart and vanquish the creatures as they so much deserve.
A bestiary comprising of troubling beasts
FantasyThese beasts trouble the land with their terr'bleness. Five hundred gold coins shalt be awarded to any who slay these foul beasts.