I can't believe how grandmothers are this days.
Saying that in there days they use to not make a seen when out in public. But to tell the truth I have had it with the olden days. Can't they get the hint that we meaning kids don't care. They even might say if you are being childish to grow up, but then again I am sick and tired of it .
But then I'm not saying that all grandmothers are the same. I would now because I have two grandmothers still alive and one of them is so nice but the other is a topical grandmother saying " when I was your age I wouldn't talk to my parents like you are.
For me it is my mothers side: when I have to leave I never want to go. But then she is my favourite grandmother.
The grandmother that I don't really want to see is my dad's mother.She only wants everything to be perfect like in the olden days.
If you are like me and have given up on grandparents then comment what they did to make you give up. Share to show that you are the same, vote if you agree with this chapter.
Until next chapter Imoan13 loves you all