The Bully, The popular kids The queen bee, And the Victim.

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Shelby(The victim's) P.o.v

My first week of school, and I've already come across The Popular kids, who are Natalie, Dawn, Amelia, and the rest of there Possie. Then i ran into the Queen bee Her name is Selena, She thinks she rules the school. Then We have the Bully, His name is Vinny,  don't know what i did to make him bully me but i did something. Then I have a friend....She just had to go and be Vinny's sister, her name is Bianca, and i have another friend, named Nicolette. They're both beautiful. Anyways, here's what happened on the first day of school.


*Fist day of school*

I shut my locker, and turned around to see, A red head with blue eyes, and a Blonde with Blue eyes, And Brunette with Hazel eyes, and Another brunette with Blue eyes, 

Hey, so you're the new kid. The red head said.

Yea. I said.

Whats your name? The red head said.

Shelby. i said.

Nice name, I'm Natalie(The red head) And this is Dawn(She's the blonde) Amelia,(The Brunette with Hazel eyes) and Marissa(The Brunette with Blue eyes)

So What brings you to New Jersey? Natalie asked.

My mom got a job out here. So i kind of had to move out here.

I see. Well Gotta run, Watch out for the bully. She Smirked, then walked away.

I don't think she likes me very much. i thought. Then another girl turned around, She also had Blonde hair and Blue eyes. Hi, I'm Bianca, Don't mind them they are the "Populars" They along with the "Queen Bee" Think they own the school, Don't worry. Bianca said. 

Thanks, i said. No problem. She said. Hey Wanna Hang out with My sister, My friend Nicolette, and I after school today? She asked again. Sure. I said. Cool, Gotta run, i'm going to be late for my next class. She said. Runninng. Bye! I said. I think i'm gonna like it here. I said to myself as i started running to my next class, When i walked in the room, i got tripped, I thought nothing of it, Until, Everyone started calling me names. I tried to hold back tears, but i couldn't i ran out of the room,  ran into the bathroom, i was there for a good 10 minutes, and i heard someone walk in, she was singing a song, And then i heard another voice speak. 

"So Bianca, Who is this Shelby person" the person said.

"She is a person i met today, who is in Grade 8, but she's really nice,"


I started crying even harder, I heard footsteps come towards me, I noticed i didn't lock the stall door. Bianca pushed the door, and saw me crying,. "Omg! Shelby what happened?" She asked. "I walked into my class, and i got tripped, i thought nothing of it...Until everyone in the room started calling me names." I said. She hugged me, and said. "Hey, When i find out who the main person was, they're going to pay"

I started laughing, Thanks. I said. "No problem anything for a friend." she said. I smiled, we were in the bathroom until, the bell rang to go home we were walking and then i saw Him...The person who tripped me in class. I tapped Bianca's Shoulder, "It's him" i said. She looked confused, "But...That's my brother, How, Wait When what?" "Are you sure" She added. I nodded my head. She walked over to him, "Vincent!" She said. He looked at her. "Recognise her?" Bianca asked him, pointing at me. He Looked away, "Vincent!" Bianca said. "Yes! Okay! Yes! I do! I tripped her in class today and got everybody calling her names! He said. "Why" Bianca asked. Lets not talk about this here, all of you come with me" He said. So we went outside. "Vincent! Answer me!" Bianca said.

Nicolette noticed me starting to tear up, she Comforted me. " I don't know Bianca, I guess i just wanted to make people feel how i felt 3 years ago" He said. I was confused. "Wait what" I asked. Don't worry about it, i'll tell you later. Bianca said. I nodded my head. "Vinny, That is not okay!" Bianca said. "I know, I'm sorry," He said, I could see him starting to cry. "How long Vinny" Nicolette came out of nowhere and asked him. "since This morning" he said. "Liar! He's lying Bianca! Mikey has told me things! Vinny has been bullying people since the beginning of grade 7!" Nicolette said. I could see Bianca getting angry, She called her mom and she picked us up. "Mom! This is Shelby, She's in Vinny's class, she said glaring at her brother, Can She and Nicolette please come over?" Bianca said. Her mom nodded her head, "Cool" Bianca said. On the way home, everything was quiet, I broke the silence by saying. "Bianca! Can i please use your phone to call my mom and tell her where i am? "Here" She said and handed me her phone. I called my mom and she said to come home whenever because it was Friday. 

Then Bianca brought it up. "So Vinny do you have anything you want to tell mom" "No" He said. I started to tear up again to bring attention to me. "Vinny, what do you have to tell me?" His mom asked. "Nothing!" He said. Nicolette elbowed him in the side, I could tell he was in pain. "Do i have to?" He mouthed to Bianca. "If you don't i will" She mouthed back. He looked away. "Mom! Vinny has been bullying people at school! And we didn't find out until today!" Bianca said. "How did you find that out?" Daniella(The mom) Asked."He tripped me in class, then got the whole class calling me names, i ran out of the room, and hid in the bathroom, Bianca and Nicolette Came in and found me, Then i told them what happened, And thats how they found out." I said starting to tear up again.

It will be okay! Bianca whispered in my ear, and Nicolette hugged me.

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