Dr. Phil Meets Frankenstein

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Dr. Phil: Good morning, everyone. Today, we have quite the interesting case! A scientist and his misbehaved experiment... Let's watch.

*A video screen onstage displays Dr. Victor Frankenstein*

Frankenstein: He has made my life a misery; I loathe him! What with his numerous atrocities... That wretch is a disgrace to all science!

*The video screen now displays a silhouette of the creature*

Creature: I've felt only the frigid cruelty of mankind, for my entire existence. That is more than enough to justify my actions against the master of all things corrupt, Victor Frankenstein.

*The screen fades to black*

Dr. Phil: *shivers* I can already feel the animosity! Here's the story: Brilliant scientist Victor Frankenstein spent years studying Galvanization and Biology, resulting in a living being whom he has given no name to. *pause* Now, the "creature" was not nurtured. He was left to live a directionless life, and he has caused the deaths of some people... dear to Victor.

Audience: *gasps*

Dr. Phil: But, this creature signed a consent form not to hurt anybody here today. *smiles*

Audience: *sighs with relief*

Anyways, these two are at odds. They can't tolerate each other, not at all. Victor hates the creature, and the creature hates Victor. Our mission is to bring them together in harmony that, hopefully, lasts.

Audience: *applause*

Frankenstein: *enters from stage left*

Dr. Phil: *motions for him to come sit on a recliner* And here is our professor...! *aside* *jokingly* if you can call him that... So, Mr. Frankenstein... Tell me about yourself!

Frankenstein: "I am by birth a Genevese"--

Dr. Phil: That's great. Now, talk to us about your "monster".

Frankenstein: *frowns* That wretch deserves nothing but torture, the same torture which I so begrudgingly endure on a daily basis... *stares into the distance* *eventually refocuses* *clears throat* My apologies. Yes, I animated this... thing. My studies led to his existence; his cursed, resented existence. *pause* Although, I initially wanted him to be beautiful. My intentions were pure-- to reinstill the "breath of life" (Genesis 2:7) into something that had lost it. My findings could have been used for great advances in science, had their offspring been less... vile.

Dr. Phil: This guy really hates his son...

Frankenstein: And the wretch was so disfigured and so vehemently grotesque... I fled. I am only a man, and being so, can only flee from such abominations as him. From then on, I was changed. He filled my mind with death and sorrow, and worsened it when-- and this furthered my resentment for him-- he murdered my younger brother in cold blood.

Audience: *gasps*

Frankenstein: This first homicide soon led to another's innocent blood being spilt. The guilt I now bear is indescribable, for the monster's violent actions fall on me. This creature has quite the nerve, too. He demanded that I make him a companion to aid him in his evil works! At first I was swayed, but once I had recomposed myself, I decimated the ghastly beast's bride. He saw me do this, and took the life of my dearest friend to spite me, framing me in the process! After this, he... murdered my... my dear Elizabeth... *cries* My lovely wife... dead, because of him.

Dr. Phil: *shakes head* I'm very sorry, Dr. Frankenstein.

Frankenstein: Thus is the tale of the creature's machinations.

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