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Long ago, tow races ruled over the earth.The humans, and the monsters.They all lived in peace.

But one day, humans got selfish, they didn't want to share their lands with the monsters.They knew that they are more powerfull and numerous then them, so they attacked.

The war was full of blood and sadness.The humans won and 3 mages, 3 brothers, sealed them underground with a magical spell.

The monsters we're happy with their life .Afterall, they indeed were consuming a lot of the humans resources. Their king,  Asgore and his wife Toriel remained the rulers of the kingdom.

10 years passed.It was a beautifull day. A human named Chara climbed mountain Ebott.She fell into the undergroudn shortly afterwards. Injured by their fall, they caled for help.But there was no one.No one to be seen.She tried to walk forward.She got in the next room.Slowly, but she did it. There was a sign :

 -Please, all the mosters that fall down, must go to the capital !Walk forward and feel free to ask anyone for help.Sincerely, Asgore Dreemur.

Chara was confused.She didn't know where she was or what she was doing.But, she got to get back some aid.She gathered all her power and walk past the sign.There she found a beautifull, green playground.Someone was playng with a ball there.A white creature, with big floppy ears and small horns.It was the monsters prince, Asriel.Chara tried to talk to him:

 -Hey...You there, do you know where am i?

-S..sure!Now you are in the ruins!I usually come here to play alone, all the royal stuff is just overwhelming. Who are you?I never seen a monster like this!

-...Monsters?i... i am a human.

-Human?What is a human? Maybe my parents will know.Let's go to the castle!You look kinda... injured. There we can fint some food for you so you  can heal back up! Come with me!

Chara, very confused about what was happening, wanted to ask Asriel about a lot of things, she thought that monsters we're just a myth.But Asriel quickly ran ahead of her.She followed him.

3 hours later... Eventually, they reach a big city,It was the capital.They went in.Toriel was walking around the throne room, ready to greet her son.But for her surprise, a human was with them, so she said:

   -A... a human!? Gorey! QUick!Come here!

                To be continued

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