Levi Clark
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO MY DAUGHTER?!" Joyce's Father bellowed
I froze, Speechless. I swore to Joyce that i won't tell. "I-uh. Sir, Your daughter she-she- I felt a Presence, a Dark one,sir." I pinched my left hand as Joyce's father sighed. "Every One did, I'm sure it wasn't from my child but, from some one else who has Great and Powerful Magic. I will Find on who Ambushed our Lord. We will all stay here as you, Levi will Take my daughter to the Clinic. And if I will See that assassin I won't show any Mercy. " As he finished, I gulped.
I nodded as i carried Joyce, bride style. I looked around, Most of the People seemed to be tending Lord Ezekiel instead Of Joyce, The new Sorceress.
I headed to the Clinic. Placing Joyce Carefully on the soft bed. She seemed angry. I mean I don't blame her. She may be Stubborn, Sassy, Powerful but, she's my Friend. my best Friend. And i dont want to let her down but, That still does'nt change me from getting mad.
Joyce Fluttered her Eyes. I was Mad, mad as ever As she woke up I just wanted to punch her right in the Face."You stupid Woman!" I Yelled. She didn't say anything.
"You Nearly killed him!!! DO you ever think before you ACT?!" I yelled,again. She Looked the other way.
"Don't You dare Fucking Ignore me! You will be Hunted. If they found out it was you, Your father wont show mercy to you or to anyone!!" I yelled, Rage Flowing Into My aura.
"I DON't Fucking Care!! So what if My father Kills me! So what if I get hunted! So What if I nearly Fucking killed Ezekiel. I dont give a single SHIT!!! I want to start my OWN adventure. I Want to Be A HERO. I Want to Be a LEGEND. I want to have an Amazing story to tell to My children One Day. Why can't I just be like the Others!!?! HUH?! Tell Me WHY!!" Joyce Shouted.
"I-I.... It's Because your MOTHER was one of The 5 MASTERS! Your Only MOTHER SACRIFICED HER OWN LIFE FOR THE SAKE OF THIS REALM, THE REALM OF NIXOS!" I Yelled, Revealing all the secrets i have kept, Revealing all the pain her Family has been through.
Joyce's Eyes widen. Tears fell off her beautiful face. She sat up. Clenching her Fist until it became white. I can feel the pain Dominating her heart, Her pure Heart.
"M-my Father wasn't able to protect her Did he? I heard a Story........... of how A man Lost a woman, His Beloved and beautiful Woman. He lost her during the war. He Didnt save her because Of His terrible Lies. All the Lies he told to that woman was what caused The war. He never forgived himself That day. His woman died While she gave birth to a beautiful baby but, she was Wounded by a spear. As she gave Birth to that baby she Placed all Her powers in her. I was the baby.........................wasn't I?" Joyce said as she Gripped the cream Colored Bed sheet.
I nodded slowly. I know I should have told her before this all happened but, i was scared, Scared of her becoming into one of The Darkasees. I was a coward. I stared at Joyce. "You lied to me for 9 years!" She screamed as she slapped me. "Jo-Joyce....We're on this together. What problem you have...I'll carry it with me..I know we're both 15 but, I need you to lose all those stubborness with you just please..Bear with me. I-I-" I was cut off, this time not words but, pain. "Y-you Thought of me joining the DARKASEES did you? you don't trust me at all DO YOU?" She yelled
"What if you will? I'll Lose the only friend I've GOT....I know I've got Nikki, George, Nick, Adam, and Regina but, I don't want to lose you, My FIRST best FRIEND. " I shouted.
She cried harder until she ran out of the clinic. She past the doors of the Coronation and I was sure Her father saw her running away, crying. I ran after her, not slowing down as I past through the doors of the Coronation. "LEEVII!!! " A man voice bellowed.
I turned around. "I saw my daughter, crying. Did you tell her?" Joyce's father said. 'Y-y-Yes s-sir. She has been crying since." I said. "Chase her, bring her to me and we shall discuss, those are your orders." He said."I knew you'd tell her you know." I nodded then I left, running after The Most beautiful Girl in the world.
I kept running and running until I saw her, Sitting beside an Oak tree. I stopped. Her beautiful face covered with tears. She craddled her self back and forth, She wrapped herself with her legs and arms. I felt Guilty as ever. Never before, I felt like this. "Hey....Your dad needs to see you." I said, sitting beside her. "Have you ever thought of some one....Who betrayed you...for 9 years..." Joyce said. " I'm sorry okay?!" I yelled. " You just don't know when to quit don't you?!" Levi yelled.
LEVI and JOYCE is having a fight :( I SHOULD explain to you on what is 'THE DARKASEES'. They are a group of Wizards or Sorceress that uses Dark magic. yep, you might be thinking that maybe its the darkasees that will strip Joyce from her powers? yes? WELL YOUR WRONG! jk. But, yeah your wrong. The darkasees wont really be much of the stories but, i will add some name that i still need to make, so please give me 5 rare names fit for 4 girls and 3 boys. Thanks!
love always,
p.s: I need a celebrity to play as Joyce and a Male celebrity to play as Levi. Help meeee..... >.<

Beyond this Earthly Realm
FantasyAn Oath of a Dear Promise, Joyce Anderson. Joyce can Control different Elements as she please, She became a Grand Sorceress but, little Does she know Someone is trying to Eliminate her, someone who is jealous of her Power and will stop at nothing to...