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"Be Just..."

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THE FRONT of the Missouri State Capitol Building is regal and majestic, not unlike the United States Capitol; they carry many similarities. However, what most people seem to ignore is the back and sides of the Capitol Building in Jefferson City, which features an equal amount of architectural splendor as the well-known front of the structure.

On the southwest side, ten towering stone pillars create the backdrop for a long stone walkway, book-ended by two mirroring stone staircases which lead down to the sidewalk behind this gargantuan edifice of masonry. At the center of the building's base, bisecting the two mirrored staircases, is an ominous tunnel leading into the bowels of the Capitol Building; a large stone engraving above the tunnel reads portentously, "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT."

This tunnel — this opening to the underbelly of this seemingly ancient structure — is guarded by a small octagonal security booth, perhaps large enough for two or three people (but typically only manned by one). It was clearly built decades later but was designed in an attempt to match the Capitol's structural motif, though not entirely successfully.

A quaint access road, West Capitol Avenue, runs behind the Capitol building providing access to the tunnel, but on the other side of this access road is a small and serene grouping of aging trees, casting shade upon a small opening and a small statue. Three sidewalks divide this opening into uneven thirds, all leading to a small statue at the center of this out-of-place orchard in the midst of the city's hustle-and-bustle. These three sidewalks meet at a miniaturized replica monument of the Statue of Liberty.

It was the morning rush hour on an unusually-mild autumn day. The trees were still green and the flowers still in-bloom. The orchard was populated by tourists and legislators and birds and squirrels. The air seemed smooth and soothing, the slight breeze providing a light hiss to the peaceful soundscape.

the other bench held one man, leaning motionlessly onto the right armrest of the dark iron park bench, also in a suit, his tie loosened, and his top button undone. His right hand draped limply over the right side of the bench, hovering over the grass next to him, and his left hand lay limp by his side — every few seconds, a fresh drop of blood dripped from the left side of his body, falling between the gap in the iron bench seat. As the blood dripped onto the concrete below the bench, the puddle of blood gradually widened, reaching for the green grass which surrounded the bench's concrete foundation. Once the blood reached the edge of the concrete, it delicately dripped into the deep dark green grass, absorbing the dying man's essence like the circle of life.

He wasn't dead yet, but he could be soon. He knew, as he felt his consciousness fade away, if he somehow managed to find help for the knife wound in his back, they would just finish the job later. So rather than fight the inevitable, he simply decided to sit on the bench, surrounded by nature and beauty, just letting himself slip away — to die in peace.

With a glance of finality, the man looked up and read the large stone engraving he'd seen countless times in recent years; "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." He managed to muster a small grin at the irony. The knife wound in his back was certainly justice — he could not deny that, considering what he'd done — considering his betrayal — and he felt no fear.

He simply closed his eyes and waited to die.

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