Chapter 1...

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       Fallen. That's what this is, everything is broken and smoking. I try to think of something soothing but I can't muffle out the sounds of screaming and pain.
       Running. I feel my feet moving away but I don't know how. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep, go back to when everything was peaceful and simple.
        Blood. I'm bleeding, I don't know where it's coming from but I need to figure it out or I won't last much longer. I duck into a battered alley way, finally feeling pressure in my chest release. I didn't realize it was there until now, but that's not my main concern. The blood is coming from my lower thigh, it looks like I've been bitten... I have to remember that these might not be people any more, they're beasts and I'm their prey.
        I rip the sleeve of my favorite t-shirt, it was given to me by my father before he died and it pains me to rip it, but I have no choice. The first strip doesn't fit around my thigh so I have to rip more, this is almost as painful as having someone stab you, but I continue. The second strip is tied to the first so that it fits nicely around my thigh. It's not permanent,
but it'll work for now.
       Something falls from my right, I hop up instinctively. Another shuffle and then hushing sounds, they heard me, I heard them. Next thing I know I'm crouched next to the nearly destroyed dumpster, the things are getting closer. I don't know what is going on in little River Grove, Oregon... But whatever this is, it's big, bigger than me and a few people. I almost forget about the things creeping up on me, and the last thing I think is, only the angels can save us now.
      Whoosh. I'm taken out, just like that. I'm gone, away from the safety of the dumpster, away from the blood stained ground and the little battered alleyway. Now, I'm in a cave. Blackness everywhere, when I try to move I find that I can't.

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