Chapter 50: Itching

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"Dad's been itching Ethan. I have too. It's been this way for weeks," Lucas said as he and Jane sat down in my office.

"Maybe you need some Preperation H," I replied back while I wrote Derek an email from a dummy email address on my laptop.

"Ethan, you know how the itches are."

"I really don't need to know the details, Lucas," I told him, not looking up as a low growl vibrated through the room. I rolled my eyes then looked up at Lucas. If I had to hear about this damn itch again then I was going to make them both sleep in a bathtub of anti-itch cream. We were living in a shit storm, of course they were going to itch. "Where is Levi?" I asked

"Getting coffee," Jane said with a kind smile.

"Right," I replied before I hit send and closed the laptop. "I need another cup," I yawned out.

"You should sleep more," she replied, eyeing me knowingly. I hadn't slept in weeks. My dreams had become more vivid–so real at times I could have sworn that she was there. I tore the house apart as well, looking for Mare's Weed until I just carried myself back to Evan's and into my old room where I still couldn't sleep.

"How was she this morning?" Lucas asked.

"You mean how was, 'checking the lines,' with her? Fantastic," I drawled out.

Now that Aurelia thought that I was coming around, she more or less found bullshit reasons for me to be around her. One of them was this morning when we were 'checking' the borders. The borders that her snakes would slither about.

She would comment here and there about–well hell, I have no idea what the hell she was actually talking about. All I could think of was how I love to bash her head in on one of the boulders around us; my beast agreed. He wanted to exterminate her and the snake population from our land permanently.

I almost killed her over the snakes at one point; the snakes had almost bitten one of my pack members, they had bit one of Jaxon's and almost killed them.

She waved it off until Lander marched in with a dead snake in his hand, apparently there was one in Lyle's room. Lander was almost too overprotective of Lyle; he had shifted and was still in a phase where he was still learning to control himself–to control his wolf. Penelope was just as bad. It wasn't their fault; it's hard the first few years to master your beast, especially at that age. With everything going on, I didn't blame Lander at all.

I came home one day to find one on my bed. I skinned it and hung over my balcony then I found one of the ones she favored more–a albino python that I hung out on the line that faced Levi's pack after I skinned it too.

She was furious, but I was as well. It was one thing to have these snakes slithering around, it was another to have them in our homes. It wasn't enough that she had stripped me over pretty much everything that mattered– one thing that mattered.

Ajax had the same problem. We tried to kill them when we saw them, she didn't seem to care, though. She would just replace them. Everything was replaceable to her. Even her brother who she didn't seem too upset over. Or Hagan. That was like their whole plan and he never showed up. Levi thought that they had given up on it–were continuing forward without him. They seemed to be doing pretty well without him. There was more power at the top for each of them to have which I think they realized was much more preferable than being someone's foot soldier.

"I'm sorry man," Lucas said.

"The day I kill her it will be worth it," I replied simply. My beast nodded in agreement. It would be a good day. Mostly because then I could cross over and find her for Charlotte to have her way with her. That would be a very good day. "So an itch?"

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