chapter 2

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"This is homework if it’s not finished." Their teacher yelled as the bell rang. Niall grunted as him and Liam slid their books into their bags and headed out of the classroom. 

"Hey I gotta go to my locker, I’ll see you at lunch." Niall waved Liam good-bye, heading off to the right towards his locker. 

The hallway was nearly empty as Niall put in his combination. He switched out his textbooks when he noticed who was down the hall from him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Harry and Zayn leaning up against Harry’s locker, kissing. Zayn had Harry pressed up against the metal, his hands held tightly onto his hips as their lips moved together in sync. 

"No." Harry’s voice echoed in the halls. “No!" He said even louder, pushing Zayn back a bit. But Zayn moved back, whispering something into Harry’s ear. 

"Get off of me." Harry let out angrily, pushing Zayn again, starting to walk off the other way. Zayn grabbed Harry by his arms, forcefully shoving Harry back against the locker. Niall winced at the pain Harry must have been in.

"No, listen Harry." Zayn said loud enough for Niall to hear. 

"Don’t touch me, don’t talk to me." Harry pushed Zayn back one more time, Zayn shaking his head walking off down the hall. Harry sighed, looking over and seeing Niall.

Niall quickly looked away, slamming his locker and running down the hall to his next class. 


"You’ll never guess what happened in math today." Liam said laughing as him and Niall stood in the lunch line. 

"No but I’m sure you’ll tell me." Niall said halfheartedly, his mind still on what he saw in the hallway earlier. 

"Well these two girl started fighting in the middle of class, like they got up and were yelling across the class room and Mrs. Smith didn’t even do anything, she was just watching. Like I don’t blame her, it was funny as hell but most teacher would be all on that you know?" 

"Yeah." Niall said as he grabbed his milk. Liam grabbed his his milk behind him. 

"You alright there, Niall?" He asked curious. 

"Yeah, I’m fine." Niall smiled. 

"Hey, Niall! You got a second?" Harry came up behind them, smiling. Niall tried to hide his blush but it wasn’t successful. 

"Sure." He let out quietly. Liam turned around, acting like he wasn’t paying attention. 

"So uh sorry you had to see that earlier." Harry shrugged, grabbing his food.

"No it’s cool, none of my business." Niall bit his lip. 

"Yeah, well about that. Zayn’s kinda pissed." 


"At you." Harry said quieter. 

Niall’s eyes widened, “M-me?" He stuttered. 

"Yeah, I just thought I’d warn you." 

Niall gulped as they began leaving, heading for a table. They spotted Zayn walking this way looking angry. 

"Zayn." Harry warned. Zayn pushed past Harry, stopping directly in front of Niall. 

"Listen here punk. How about next time you mind your own goddamned business okay?" Niall nodded his head slightly. 

"Zayn would you back off, he was just at his locker." 

Zayn turned around to Harry. “And I want you to stay away from him." 

"I barely even know him, neither do you." Harry rolled his eyes grabbing the back of Zayn’s jacket. “Let it go Zayn." 

Zayn pulled back from the grip, standing back in front of Niall. He knocked his tray onto the floor, his finger pointing inches away from Niall’s nose. “You stay away from Harry." He turned away, grabbing Harry’s hand as they walked off. 

"Come on." Liam wrapped his arm around Niall’s shoulder, leading him over to find a table. “Sorry about that." Liam tried. 

Niall shrugged, “I wasn’t really hungry anyway." 

Liam shook his head, sliding his tray over to Niall. Niall looked down at it then over to Liam. “I said I wasn’t hungry." 

"That’s funny, you not being hungry. Now eat up, I can hold out until I get home, you can’t."

Niall half smiled, taking a bit of his sandwich, “Thanks." 

Liam smiled back, “What even happened?" 

"I saw them fighting in the hallway. I don’t know. Apparently Zayn’s mad. Kinda a ‘wrong place, wrong time’ type deal." 

"He’s got anger issues I swear." Liam shook his head. 

"I don’t know, I guess if they’re happy it’s fine." 

Liam laughed out loud. “You’re kidding right? Everyone can see how much they fight. It’s all Zayn forcing it upon Harry. Harry’s not happy." 

"I don’t know, Harry laughs with him sometimes." 

"You’re so weird Niall. Only you would try and make a bad relationship with your crush and someone else look better than it is. You’re supposed to pick out all their flaws and say how you could be so much better for him." Liam shook his head again. 

"Maybe that’s why Harry doesn’t like me, ‘cuz I’m weird." Niall said quietly.

"Niall you know that’s not what I meant." 

"No it makes since. I mean why else would you be my only friend?"

"Hey what’s that supposed to mean!?"

"You just as big a loser as I am Liam." Niall smirked at him. Liam rolled his eyes.

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