Chapter five

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                 i never thought that i'd be glad to be an insomniac my whole life, but now I am.

I'm glad I'm insomniac , It had been long time since I had felt this amount of excitement in my life , and it feels strange , to finally be looking forward for something !

I always wake up , wondering when will our classes finish , to go back to my cold rooftop , stargaze till dawn , this was my idea of ultimate entertainment , but never in my life I've thought that I'll just be literally waiting impatiently for minutes to pass just to meet a person .

I didn't have a crush on Katrina , don't misunderstand me .

Katrina was something too mysterious , she was something I NEEDED to figure out ! I knew myself well enough to say that MY attraction towards her was that one a kid has when he waits for his new friends to tell all his secrets to 

and hell I had enough to write a 20 parts book .

and she looked like she had 100 ones .

and I was thirsty for A REAL conversation with someone who looks that interesting . 

            I wore decent clothes , black button up shirt and my jeans , it had been too long that I cared about what I wore since this rooftop was mine .

at least that was how I saw it , I mean , nobody ever went there , nope , not even couples , the house manger didn't tolerate class lateness , they lock all doors at 09:00 pm , and they have cameras in our rooms , to make sure we are all sleeping , or not outside .

' OMG ! I'm such an idiot ! , how will Katrina get out of her room ! why the hell did I choose 10 ?! she is NOT me ! she is just a sma- ' 

I was scolding myself until I got interrupted by a voice .

A voice I'd been waiting half an hour to hear .

' when was the last time have I waited for someone ? '  


she spoke too causally for a person who broke out of being locked and is actually out in the dark with a technically stranger like me .

well , who am I to judge anyway ? I literally did the same ! 

"hello Katrina " I smiled sheepishly , probably because of my excitement

" why did you want us to meet ? " her tone was as colder than this winter 

" I wanted to talk to you " I decided that I had to be honest , she was too straight forward , she didn't sugarcoat her words to be the cute girl who's just inquiring about stuff , she was a master who demanded answers for a weird case , like me wanting to talk to her out of the blue , 

she was the  Alpha  not me , her tone was too confident , like she owned this place and a beggar asking for a penny 

" about what ? " 

"about you , I wanted to talk to you about you , you are familiar , I want to know who you are "

" I'm Katrina , and I'm familiar because I'm just her but in a different time , yea yea i know your reaction "

she said her 

' she's like me , she hates her like me , she said "her" with that hatred tone just as me ! ' 

 " you are not like her , you may look like her , but you are NOT her , if we are going to make a comparison now about who is who , you are ME but in a different body "

she looked at me surprised by my comment , her dull bored expression changed to an amused one , the one you have when you talk to a friend about a crazy idea .  

"what make you so sure ? " , she said , smirking , she removed her long bangs from her eyes , revealing her pair of sharp deep brown -almost black- eyes , they looked like something you wont like to stare at for too long , they looked like they may swallow your soul , if you made a single wrong move , I wonder how many person felt naked when she looked at them with these eyes , or if actually there were even someone who felt the same strong aura she has , it is actually still is a mystery to me . 

' did she entered the gammas because of these eyes?  did she grew her bangs that long to hide them ? '

" and what makes you so sure that I am You ? "

" I'm never sure of anything , believe me , that's why I asked you out here , to confirm my theories " , I couldn't help the smirk that formed in my mouth , it was too natural to stop 

"well , I'll answer you if you told me how come a goodie two shoes alpha like you broke out of the room ? " her smirk , her eyes , they was amazing , they fitted her too well 

and well , I did smirk too 


this chapter is dedicated to KelseyKeating2 for being an amazing person , who motivated me to continue writing , it would be awesome if you checked out her AMAZING " A Stolen Royals Series" I am telling you you wont regret it , it will be an amazing trip to a magical world :3 


if you liked this chapter , then please vote , and if you found a grammatical mistake or a typo or a critique , please comment it , I'd love to hear from you ! 

have a good day :3  

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