Death, kill me already.

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The disease of life took you.

With its dark boney claws looking for me.

My wrists are as red as the rosses on your coffen door.

The wind blows leaving only one, wilted and weak

My blood streaming down my arms

Death's claws tearing my neck

Load the gun

Sharpen the knife

The most potent posins

Tie my noose tight

He took you and keeps his look for me

Im loseing the war, in defeat

The last sreams ring through my ears

My tears and the last breath I take

He grasp my neck, clawing me down

Choaking my air, my life

Streaming blood

Dizzy from posin

Choacking hands

And acheing breaths

Im being hauntid

I just will not die

Years of abuse and torcher

Death just wolnt drag me under

He wants his laughs

His close calls, his fun

Years of this I think id be gone

No, streaching out my tears for even more years

Death has yet to accept me

Maybe one day ill get lucky.

Rebel Love    (And outher poems)Where stories live. Discover now