chapter 2

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Louis looked up and into Liam’s eyes. He looked close to tears. He let out a breath and began talking, his voice shaky.

“It’s Harry.”

Liam looked at his eyes as a single tear drop fell down his cheek. “Louis, what’s going on?” Louis forced himself to look at Liam’s face.

“Haven’t you noticed? He’s been acting weird. He hasn’t been as close with me during the concerts lately. He does the littlest things that make me think I’ve done something wrong. I don’t like it. Something is wrong.” He didn’t notices but he’d started crying more as he talked. Liam pulled Louis into a hug, letting him cry into his shoulder.

“Louis, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You know Harry is unpredictable and he’s had a lot of stress lately about wanting to come out to the public. Don’t you think you might be being a little sensitive?”

Louis pulled back from Liam’s grip, giving him a look. “Don’t be a dick Liam!” He yelled, punching Liam in the arm. “I’m not being sensitive. Remember in the car? There was two available seat beside you but he chose to sit away from us. And at the concert tonight, I didn’t even get an eye glance. The concert last night, he barely even smiled at me. You know him, he’s usually gives me hugs and such. I feel deserted.”

Liam took in everything he was saying, realizing it was all very true. “So what, maybe he’s just giving his space. Like I said before, he’s been going through a lot of stress.” Louis looked back down at his hands.

“Him being bi wouldn’t ruin our friendship, would it?” Liam smiled, putting a hand on Louis’ thigh.

“Louis, Harry’s better than that. He respects you and your friendship too much to let it go to waste. But if you feel like something is wrong or somethings between you two isn’t going well, then you need to go and talk to him about it so he knows how you feel.”

Louis sighed and looked back up, half smiling. “I was afraid you’d say that. I didn’t want to have to talk to him because I don’t want him to think he can’t trust me or that I’m overly protective.”

Liam laughed. “Harry should know you well enough not to get mad at you for being protective. You’ve always been like that.” Louis stood up, followed by Liam.

“Should I go to talk to him now then?” Liam shook his head, “id hurry before he goes to sleep though.” Louis headed for the door but before getting too far, turned back around. He walked back over to Liam and gave him a tight hug. “Thanks for being here.” Then he left.

Liam went to bed as Louis walked down the hall, turned the corner, and stood before Harry’s door. He took in a few deep breaths before knocking ever so lightly. He waited barely 10 seconds before leaving to go back to his room. Before turning to corner Harry’s door opened up.

“Louis?” He turned around to see Harry sticking his head out the door, obviously not wearing a shirt.

“Harry?” He started back to Harry’s door slowly. “Lou, I’m going to bed, what do you want.” Louis’ smile shrunk off his face. “Nothing, just wanted to talk. I guess I’ll just go to bed.”

Louis turned back around and headed back towards his room. “7am. I’ll be up tomorrow if you still wanna talk then.” Harry then shut the door and went back to his bed. Louis stopped to smile before turning the corner and heading to his room as well.

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