chapter 18

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Liam sat in a chair across the room from Harry and Niall as they slept. He was well aware that someone could find this creepy but he needed their help. He wasn’t starring at them or anything, he was waiting impatiently for the couple to wake up.

Eventually he grew so annoyed that he searched up on youtube annoying noises and began playing it as loud as his phone would go until he heard and saw the squirms coming from the bed. 

“What the hell was that?” Harry asked, holding onto Niall. 

“It’s about time!” Liam said from the chair. Both Niall and Harry sat up looking over at Liam. 

“When’d you get here!? And why’d you have to wake us up?” Niall asked this time. 

“Oh shut up it’s ten. I woke up before you and I slept on the couch. I need you guys’ help.”

“Why’d you sleep on the couch?”

“That’s why I’m here. Zayn and Louis are still in my bed.” 

“Oh god!” Harry fell back down into bed.

“Will you two help me get them out, please!?” 

“Yes, come on Harry.” Niall got out of bed pulling pants and a shirt on, Harry following and doing the same. They walked down the hall to Liam’s room. Harry and Niall sat on the couch as Liam turned the light on, getting groans from the two boy in his bed. 

“Why would you turn the light on? You know I’m hung over.” Louis mumbled into the pillow. Zayn rolled over, his eyes widening a little.

“Louis, why are you in my bed?” 

“My bed.” Liam corrected them. Zayn sat up, bringing the covers with him.

“And why don’t you have any clothes on!?” 

“Why don’t you have clothes on?” Louis looked over at Zayn the same way. They looked over at Liam, Niall and Harry. 

Liam rolled his eyes. “You two got drunk last night and both were involved in a make out session.” 

Louis fell back in bed laughing. Zayn smirked. “That’s great! As long as we didn’t fuck, we didn’t fuck right?” 

“I don’t know we all left after we saw what was going on.” Liam shrugged.

“Well my ass isn’t sore.” Louis looked over at Zayn.

“Nor, is mine. I think we’re good bro.” Zayn laughed this time. 

“I think we stopped after we kissed a bit.” Louis smiled back over at the three boys on the couch. 

“At least you didn’t do it on camera.” Liam glared back at Niall and Harry.

Zayn choked. “You made out on the twitcam?” 

Niall blushed a little. “So what? At least I did it sober with my boyfriend.” 

Louis laughed covering his mouth. “He’s got you there mate!” 

“So you’re all good? Not dating, gunna act like this never happened?” Harry interrupted. 

“Yeah. I mean we were drunk neither of us genuinely meant it.” Louis shrugged.

“So why are we still here?” 

“Yeah, I’d love to get up but I don’t think you all want to see my willy.” Louis announced. 

“We need to leave anyway.” Harry laughed, pulling Niall with him out of the room. 

“Why do we need to go?” Niall asked as Harry led them back to Harry’s room. 

“Well.” Harry started opening his door. “I want to take you out on an official date since we’re official now.” 

Niall smiled biting his lip. “Really? Where to?” 

“Well considering where we are I wanted to take you to the grand cannons. If you want to go, we can go somewhere else though, if you don’t want to. It was jus-“

Niall held onto Harry’s waist closing in on him, letting their noses touch. Harry giggled. “Grand cannons sounds like fun.” Niall softly placed a kiss on Harry’s nose before pulling away. “Well come on, we’ve gotta get dressed.”

The boys quickly got dresses and soon were out of the hotel in a cab with Paul. Harry had asked Paul earlier to go with them wherever they decided to go so they could have it more private. 

They got out at the parks entrance and Paul led them in. Their wasn’t any girls yet but soon the park would be piling up with them. Harry led Niall up to the highest point out in the cannons. Niall was so amazed by everything, he was sure to take tons of pictures.

As they reached the top Niall looked out in awe, stepping closer to the edge. 

“Niall, be careful.” Harry stepped up behind Niall, holding onto his hips. The small group of five girls behind Paul screamed as they flashed their cameras. 

“It’s so pretty, and we’re so high up.” Niall almost whispered, barely believing the sight he was seeing. He stepped even closer to the edge and Harry held on tighter. Niall squatted down and sat on the edge of the rock letting his feet dangle, Harry followed and sat beside him. 

“Thank you for taking me out here. I love it.” Harry leaned over and kissed Niall’s temple. 

“No problem, I wanted to take you a date. I wanted to act like a real boyfriend. The fame shouldn’t be in the way of us acting like a normal couple.” 

“You have been a real boyfriend, Harry.” Niall said before taking his phone out and pointing it up. “Smile, Love.” He said pressing their heads together and clicking the photo. He brought his phone down and pulled the picture up.

“I don’t like it.” Niall said bluntly. Harry looked at him shocked.

“What? Look how cute you are!”

“No look my hairs blowing in the wind weird and I’m smiling like I just smelled something funny. I’m deleting it.” Harry grabbed his phone out of Niall’s hands.

“No. I like it. It’s going to be my twitter icon.” Niall’s eyes widened and he reached across Harry to grab for his phone. Harry quickly sent it to himself before letting Niall grab a hold of it. 

“Careful Niall, we’re on the edge of a cliff remember.” Niall deleted the photo, making sure Harry saw.

“Now it’s gone and you can’t use it. Hah!” Niall stuck his tongue out, teasing Harry.

“I sent it to myself, Hah!” Harry said stealing a kiss on Niall cheek once he saw his sad face. “Cheer up, buttercup!” Niall chuckled to himself. 

“What’s that!?” Niall pointed down the the center of the cannon to some moving objects. Harry squinted to see what Niall was pointing at. 

“I think it’s camel riding.” 

Niall’s eyes widened. “Can we do that?” He gasped loudly. Harry laughed.

“Of course we can!” He helped Niall up and they began walking back, Paul pushing the fans back giving the boys their room.

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